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Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
I wonder where the hinge pin and the other half of the piano hinge are?
I wonder where some poor bastard's troubleshooter qual is . . . or is going.

Although the latch is latched, so there's that.


Super Moderator

Brings back fond memories of when we were waiting for an S-3 to do an OCS flyover before we did ours in a pair of mighty T-2's and the tower tells the S-3 a panel fell off their bird and landed in the Naval Aviation Museum parking lot. My lead told the tower they were just getting an early start to delivering the bird there...


Low calorie attack from the Heartland
Someone had a fin fly off a training missile at Oceana a few years ago, and it went through the engine block of some poor guy's truck... Wish I could find a picture.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Panels falling off, child's play. My squadron had a leading edge slat depart a War Hoover in the break over El Centro. It was quite sporty. Over banked the aircraft past 90 degrees. Pilot did a great job. Carrier break for FCLPs . He recovered at a couple hundred feet. Climbed back into the pattern for a straight in arrestment. Slat landed in a wheat field. Took awhile to find.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Six words:

Reduce angle of attack (exactly what he did)
Fuckin awesome ( " )
A RAG Prowler got the entire fleet redstriped below 5,000 feet in the mid-2000s in a similar situation. Didn't lose any parts, but as you may or may not be aware, the jet didn't have ailerons. It controlled roll via what NATOPS called flaperons, which were technically spoilerons. Marine FRS IP brought a jet back into the break, and the flaperon actuator on the downward wing blew up when he rolled into the break. Boom . . . instant partial hyd failure and no way to control roll. As I recall the story, he landed it with the rudder.


The Dude abides....


Active Member
Sweden stats are pretty bad. Have a look at their neighbours. Herd immunity is about 80% going by US jails. At a conservative death rate of 1%. That's a lot of people. About 2.5 million dead, in the US

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Sweden stats are pretty bad. Have a look at their neighbours. Herd immunity is about 80% going by US jails. At a conservative death rate of 1%. That's a lot of people. About 2.5 million dead, in the US

How do you define “conservative” in this case? If by conservative you mean made up on the spot, then yes that’s a conservative estimate.


Well-Known Member

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that for most of the country we vastly over reacted.
The meatpacking plants didn't shut down, but now we have empty shelves in the grocery stores. Testing shitshow and lack of PPE. Has Sweden had a similar experience?