I'm new to this site, so I'm not quick to judge others... however I would recommend caution. This isn't an anonymous site. There are people on here that could very well be your instructors, your CO, or your competitors. This isn't your typical online dungeons and dragons forum where 'flame on' may sound cute or poignant, this is a site visited by professionals, the very professionals you wish to join.
Also, "Almost a Marine" is not a career. Being almost a Marine is like being almost queer. You are either a Marine or you are not. No offense to you, but in life it is much better to have people judge your character and merit off of your actions, not off of what you want people to think you are.
Step back, realize what your dealing with, where you are in life, and realize there is a difference in being cocky and confident. You're a kid with a PPL and a couple other endorsements. Being surrounded by non pilots, that may grow your dick by a half inch, but compared to what you'll be learning in primary, its a few months of work.
Other than that, welcome.