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who is more "confident" in their abilities?

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Registered User
that was the polite way to say it. heres the real question:

who do you think is more cocky: a naval aviator or a pro football player?



Solid Snake
wow, this is a weird topic. anyhow, i think they're both the same, but football players have a slight cockiness over the aviators :).

think about it, players like ray lewis and warren sapp are sooooo cocky! i hate watching tampa and baltimore play just because of that. i'm glad that sapp finally got fined for taunting the other players; he had it coming. and another, i believe in people working HARD for the money, not like professional sports players. they get over paid for god sakes! if an aviator heard that he'd be paid one million dollars to fly the plane, they'd crap their pants. sports players on the other hand, will throw the offer right back at the person's face, asking for a higher wage.

just my 10 cents.
i just said 10 cents because i don't see why people call their comments "2 cents." BUH BYE


Hummer NFO
Well, I have never seen an aviator get away with murder...literally. So, I guess football players can afford to be cocky because they have the bucks and the lawyers to back them up.


Registered User
A couple of months ago I met an F/A-18 pilot at an airshow. He projected an aura of confidence. It was almost tangible--like a force field. He looked like the archetypal fighter jock. Totally cool, completely self-assured. In private conversation, I've referred to him as "LCDR Studly". However, I didn't find his utter self-confidence cocky or off-putting. Rather, I found it reassuring. I'd want to fly with someone who has that kind of confidence. I wouldn't want to sit behind someone who was tentative about his piloting abilities.
Yeah our aviation officer exudes that same officer, so I know what you mean. I gotta say, it really must be an aviator thing. Haven't seen anybody else with it.


Registered User
I think an aviator's confidence is a result of the tightrope. A tightrope between a successful flight and death. When you cheat death for a living, you are imbued with a self confidence that is unmistakeable to anyone around you.

IMO, a cocky pilot is a scared pilot. They feel they must appear to have self-confidence when they don't. The result is an uber-egotistical a-hole who is a dange to himself/herself and those around them.

My 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
I'd say both are equally cocky.... And from what I've seen, aviators seem to be more confident about their football abilities that football players are about flying.

(it's a slightly silly topic, so I thought I'd give a silly answer)


Super *********
Super Moderator
Originally posted by version2point0
sounds good. so would you all would equate pilots with say police officers? they cheat death every day/night too.


My brother and brother-in-law are both police officers in different states. Both are confident but they both also have a lot of arrogance. I went for a ride along with the b-in-l and found most in his department were the same way. Very large ego's. I respect what they do since it's a very dangerous job, but the arrogance was a bit annoying. Might just be a cop thing. They like what they do and feel not everyone can accomplish their mission. I differ in my opinion on that but that's a whole different story.

Confidence is something that is required in our business. I would think even more is required in the strike community. If you don't have it, sooner or later it's going to catch up to you (even at times that's not good enough). Every time I fly, I'm confident for a reason though. I know my **** (NATOPS for example), I've prepared for the flight, checked my fear at the door, and I'm ready to do what I have to do. This goes from a seemingly easy good deal cross country flight to riding in the right seat on a student's first night trap in the goo


Well-Known Member
I think cops have more of an infatuation with power (man over man) than anything else. If you're a pilot i dont see where want of power (not engines, missiles or the like) comes into play. I think the only thing similar from a pilot to the cop is maybe the type of personality but not the total personality (i.e. adventurous spirit at the least). a naval officer has to bust his ass to go to college, get commissioned, finish flight school and still be at the bottom of the barrel when they hit the fleet. A cop on the other hand doesnt have to graduate from college, just say one day "i wanna be a cop" and go for it. As you can see there are tons more cops than Naval Aviators. Nuff said. "If it was easy everyone would be doing it." and i've seen every type of cop. I saw an episode of "COPS" today that interviewed a cop that's dad was a fighter pilot. He said he couldnt imagine himself sitting in a cockpit pushing buttons. I only believe that he said that because he knew he could never be a pilot and guess what he settled for? A cop.


Solid Snake
OH MAN, don't get me started with cops! althought i was thiking about becoming a cop (to go for swat actually), i started hating their guts after screwing my parents over. there were some disturbances in their store, so my parents called the cops and gave them the license tag. they come back in ten minutes, and says "they got away." i was like WTF, WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!. well, i actually didn't say that, but i really wanted to kill them. the area that i live in has tons of rich-cocky ppl, and the police rather concentrate in their areas than bourgeois area. although i've met pretty cool ones, I STILL HATE THEM!!!

btw, i also went on a ride along b4, and for four house, all we did was give tickets to ppl not wearing their seat belts. then when there were only about 30 mins left in the ride along, he went to a pawn shop and bought "Band of Brothers" DVD. (sigh)
naval aviators are lean mean sexy machines(hell there are some women out there who want anything in a uniform that moves and has a penis-not many but they exist).

Cops generally tend to be extremely overweight, and definitely couldn't catch a fleeing pursesnatcher in Central Park. That's why in NYC Central Park cops ride horses, as incredibly antiquated as it appears. That said, I still respect them for what they do. Just not as much as naval aviators.

And depending on where you serve, the average cop never has to pull his gun. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure most tailhookers will go through at least one absolutely horrifying night trap in their lifetime.


EA3 -> IS3 -> Intel O1(hopefully)
Well I wasn't going to say anything, but frankly I think I have read enough about cops and how they are "typically" less in physical abilities, training, weight etc etc. Of course I have heard no one talk about pay, do any of you guys realize how little they make to put their life on the line?? Yes I know there are numerous counties where there is very little crime, but statistics show it is way more dangerous to be a cop then a fighter pilot, your chances of being killed are way higher, so I would recommend the old saying, unless you have walked a mile in someone else's shoes, don't critize or talk about them in a negative way. Having been a fire fighter myself and knowing many, many cops, believe me most of you don't have any idea what they go through on a daily basis.

Vegita: I presume the comment about the penis was all in good clean fun, becuase anything else is just immature.

My $0.02, and yes it is only my opinion.
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