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What are the most difficult classes at OCS?

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I'm going to OCS in Jan. of '06 and was thinking of taking some Naval Science courses before I graduate.

For those of you that have been to OCS, what are the most difficult subjects? I have heard navigation is very hard.



Nukes wife
As said, dont waste your time worrying about the classes. They are pump and dump anyway. Being in better physical shape will help you much more.


His blood smells like cologne.
Yeah, I know a guy with a severe case of Downs Syndrom that made it through just fine. He was really ripped though.


You think you hate it now...
I would practice eating fried chicken and hamburgers with your "war spoon."

Oops...am I giving too much away?


P-8 Bubba
if you really want to get ready for OCS lifestyle...

1. every random moment drop everything you're doing and start doing PT.
2. march everywhere you go
3. practice your thousand yard stare on your dog
4. drink 4 glasses of water at every meal
5. only go to the bathroom when you've just about wet yourself
6. hold all conversation yelling at the top of your lungs.. begin with 'Sir!'
7. practice removing every irish penant from all your clothes
8. fold your underwear in perfect 6" squares using hairspray to hold if necessary
9. Get in touch with newly commissioned ensigns and get their old books/gouge
10. Enjoy your last months of freedom and skip steps 1-9.


Registered User
Don't waiste your time.... OCS is a joke... If you don't mind hanging out with some of the biggest dorks in the world :)

Oh... Fat people don't do so well.


Registered User
With a history degree, you MIGHT be able to pass Naval History (if you bust your ass). If I were you, I wouldn't listen to these guys-buy the books on ebay (regardless of price) and memorize them.

Oh yeah-don't be afraid to cry while you're at OCS. Group hugs are good for the soul, too.


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
There are classes at OCS? I don't remember those. I remember sand...lots of sand...


Registered User
Definately just go out and get some foot to the road time. I was overly surprised when I went at the # of 22 and 23 year olds (I turned 31 there) that were in terrible physical condition and suffered some sort of truly preventable injury because they got shin spints or something like that. Unless you have the mental capacity of a paperweight the classes etc are not challenging.

Road Program

Hangin' on by the static wicks
Seriously, don't waste your time with studying for anything before you go. You know what the difference is between the regimental commander and a candidate ensign when they get commissioned? The candidate commander's lineal number will be about 1 digit lower the candidate ensign's, which isn't saying much for a six digit number. How do I know this? I was candidate ensign crap bag and my reg com was on my ship, so I saw the lineal list and was curious. What does that mean in the big picture? Jack squat.

Just take it easy for now. Do some running, push-ups and sit-ups and you'll be just fine.


Super Moderator
Road Program said:
Seriously, don't waste your time with studying for anything before you go. You know what the difference is between the regimental commander and a candidate ensign when they get commissioned? The candidate commander's lineal number will be about 1 digit lower the candidate ensign's, which isn't saying much for a six digit number.

This must be a more recent change, when I graduated from OCS Feb '98 the lineal list was strictly alphabetical. I guess this is a better way...
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