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Voice from the past supports war in Iraq


Hangar Four
Don't see this in the current media coverage of the war.

Kissinger says stay the course in Iraq

Withdrawal from Iraq "would bolster insurgents and terrorists worldwide, causing instability across the Middle East."

So what does this say about those who are asking for a retreat from Iraq?


Well-Known Member
Although I don't know about anyone here, but I think that some of the senior leadership needs to tell the civilian leadership that they're breaking the force... We can't keep up the deployment schedule they have us on now...


Hangar Four
Although I don't know about anyone here, but I think that some of the senior leadership needs to tell the civilian leadership that they're breaking the force... We can't keep up the deployment schedule they have us on now...

Not being argumentative, just wondering what can be done without reducing the troop levels in Iraq? How could we make things better?


Well-Known Member
Not being argumentative, just wondering what can be done without reducing the troop levels in Iraq? How could we make things better?
Rather than saying "Yes sir, you're right. We don't need a larger military." They should say - "Sir, I know it won't have much of an impact in the next 2-3 years, but we are breaking the force. We need more people in the military in order to keep up morale, and reduce the frequency of deployments. Stop loss is not the answer."

I would consider staying in if I knew that there was relief on the horizon. However, I don't see that relief anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Don't see this in the current media coverage of the war.

Kissinger says stay the course in Iraq

Withdrawal from Iraq "would bolster insurgents and terrorists worldwide, causing instability across the Middle East."

So what does this say about those who are asking for a retreat from Iraq?
Which reminds me, have you guys seen the news about the Marine Cpl that was killed in Iraq and the NY Times butchered his last letter to his girlfriend, in order to make it sound like he didn't support the war in Iraq?


Wow, I was wondering what Kissinger was up to. Oh, and as a sidenote, I saw her on TV last night, and Michelle Malkin is totally hot.


I'm not lazy, I'm disabled.
Yeah, super hot...


Just kidding.



deployment sucks
supporting the war in iraq and believing we should stay the course aren't necessarily the same thing. one can believe we should have never entered iraq, but not believe it's a good idea to leave now. can be two separate issues.


New Member
supporting the war in iraq and believing we should stay the course aren't necessarily the same thing. one can believe we should have never entered iraq, but not believe it's a good idea to leave now. can be two separate issues.

totally dude...good call

and the historical jury is still out on Kissinger...he is probably the most famous American diplomat, but he has A LOT of detractors with serious points. I think the biggest reason people still like him is that he is still around to defend his legacy. And don't forget how much of the documents from the era are still sealed. He's smart and he is an extremely important figure in the Cold War era, but it's a new era and my feeling is he shouldn't be lent so much credibility on this particular topic. Not that I don't want to hear him...when I see him on TV he has my rapt attention.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
supporting the war in iraq and believing we should stay the course aren't necessarily the same thing. one can believe we should have never entered iraq, but not believe it's a good idea to leave now. can be two separate issues.

Name one notable American. particularly a politician, that holds this view. I agree, it is a logically supportive postion, I just don't know anyone in the public eye that has taken that position. If a politician didn't support going to war in the first place they will trumpet that postion like they where right all along because the public is tiring of the war. They won't dare support any part of it. As most of us reading this know, what the public perceives about the war and reality is very different and history is yet to be written. Still, some would rather play politics then suggest staying the course inspite of early oppositon.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
As most of us reading this know, what the public perceives about the war and reality is very different and history is yet to be written.

Dingalingadingdong. How often do you hear soldiers coming home saying what the media portrays over there is not the whole story? All the freakin time.


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
Name one notable American. particularly a politician, that holds this view.

Well, Kissinger right now is more of an academic than a politician-- and there's certainly a number within the poli sci community who buy into that POV. It's certainly very believeable than Kissinger would support that view given that Nixon played to the tune of Americans who wanted an honorable solution to the war-- whether or not they agreed with our involvement in Vietnam in the first place. Maybe it was politically expedient, because it made him look a hell of a lot more moderate than the tool McGovern... but the man did win by the largest margin in history in 1972.