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Visiting with your recruiter


Registered User
Hello all,

I have some simple questions about visiting an officer recruiter. First off, what do you wear? Something casual? Also, could anyone explain the process of what actually needs to be done to apply for BDCP with your recruiter, or just what the visit is like.




Registered User
When I would visit the Marine OSO I would always present myself as professional and motivated. So dress conservatively i.e, slacks and a polo shirt. Also, you are not obligated to refer to an OSO as sir but as a general rule I would always address officers as sir, and everyone else by their appropriate rank. Bring transcripts, letters of recommendation, and anything else that will make you seem like you are worth their time. If you have anything that is going to require a waiver be prepared to have a good explanation for it.


Registered User
What exactly are you applying for with BDCP (i.e. CEC, Nuclear, etc)? I, like it was stated above, always wore a polo-type shirt and some nice pants when I went in to see the recruiter and always used sir or ma'am. Just be professional and ask lots of questions about what you're wanting to do. Most of the time, recruiters will have the answers and can lead you in the right direction. They're always trying to get more people in.