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Vance Primary


Dirty Hinge
I didn't volunteer for Vance.

Its people who come here with that attitude that have the biggest chip on their shoulder. Its pilot training. You get to fly...its not that bad.

Yea there are some things that sucks. I know I would enjoy Navy training better. However, if I came here with that attitude, not only would I have no friends among my classmates, I probably would not be very highly regarded among IPs either.

The fact is while wearing khakis a few additional weeks longer sucked, merely being involved in pilot training more than makes up for it. There are a lot of people who would kill to be here, so wearing khakis has been a minor inconvenience.

You know that the Air Force doesn't screen your AW posts...no ass-kissing required here...save it for your stand-ups...


When we failed our second boldface, this prior enlisted AF guy stood up and started bitching the entire class out. He told us that if we couldn't just copy this stuff down we should just drop out of pilot training. Made sense...until he consequently failed the next two tests and started a 3 week string of failures.

I was a primary instructor (T-37 and T-6) in Del Rio (imagine Vance - just in TX) for nearly four years, before going off to teach in the T-38. If I had a nickel for every time I saw this act, I'd have.............well, you get the point. What a great example of why it is best to take opportunities to shut the fuck up, lead with your performance and not your mouth. I watched a kid once, nearly in tears, bitch his class out for similar stuff - he was on the verge of tears. He washed out within weeks of his rant. Flying with him was so painful, I nearly ejected so that I could walk home and spare myself the pain of a recovery into the pattern with him.

But, I have to say: As an instructor, that shit was so entertaining. I wish I could have recorded some of it.

If you hear anything I am saying, hear this brother: Study and chair-fly more - talk less - and try to truly enjoy your flying. Do this, and even USAF pilot training can be a good time.

Remember.................. talk less ;)



By the way, I didn't mean that as advice directed at you, so much as something to help you, from someone who has been in both seats of the jet you are flying. I don't mean for you to talk, or post less on AW, just hoped to help you out on the flight line. Sounds like you are picking things up nicely.





By the way, I didn't mean that as advice directed at you, so much as something to help you, from someone who has been in both seats of the jet you are flying. I don't mean for you to talk, or post less on AW, just hoped to help you out on the flight line. Sounds like you are picking things up nicely.



Yes, sir, of course. The individual I was referencing is also very good at making himself standout i.e. challenging ideas, showing up in wrong uniform, and, my favorite, wearing Oakley boots with his flightsuit.

The first document I actually read here was the 33rd's "Dragon Rules Censored" written by an IP. It was document expounding on what you just typed except with a lot more expletives. I am far more vocal on this site than I am in person.

I appreciate the advice, thank you.


Wannabe Helo Bubba
Have fun in Vance, but I do have one piece of advice for you. I went to primary and now advanced here in beautiful Milton, FL. I was in VT-3 for primary so i got some cross-service lessons in what not to do there. The key is what to do after primary. When u come back to navy training, realize that it is a whole new world. get with someone who was in navy primary and make friends with them fast. they have the routine down. as much as the goal is the same (get you able to fly) the methods are much different. Just a heads up, enjoy beautiful Enid, OK where the wind comes sweeping though the plains.