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VA-25 special ordnance


Well-Known Member
Anybody want to bet that the toilet cost more than the bomb it replaced?

Oh wait! I'm sorry! They took the seat off.

I know you’re trying to make a joke. But lots of the stuff utilized during Vietnam were left over stores from Korea and even WWII. Look at the wires leading to the propeller driven fuses on the bombs in the photos. Trust me on this… I humped em.

That toilet… well it was to break the tedium for sure, fun for everybody. All hands took part in that mission, officers and enlisted alike, that’s what was important. That toilet was worth a million dollars to everyone involved in that strike. When you get to the fleet, I hope you understand that as well. Good find HAL, and really great memories for me.



I know you’re trying to make a joke. But lots of the stuff utilized during Vietnam were left over stores from Korea and even WWII. Look at the wires leading to the propeller driven fuses on the bombs in the photos. Trust me on this… I humped em.

That toilet… well it was to break the tedium for sure, fun for everybody. All hands took part in that mission, officers and enlisted alike, that’s what was important. That toilet was worth a million dollars to everyone involved in that strike. When you get to the fleet, I hope you understand that as well. Good find HAL, and really great memories for me.


Yes. I was trying to make a joke. I didn't mean to belittle this at all. Things like this are where legends come from. They give a special bond to the people who were there and are good for years of sea stories. I already did my time in the fleet (83-88) and while we had nothing like dropping a toilet on the enemy, we had a few memorable events of our own. I still have an 8-1/2 X 11 picture of our CAG intercepting a May in an F-14 while wearing a gorilla mask.