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60 bubba
well, its been a long long time since we march 23'rs have been able to use the computer. but we finally earned liberty and a bit of computer use. i tell you nothing you read truly prepares you for what ocs actually is. i've found the physical part is the easiest. and the d.i.'s you actually come to respect after the lingering disdain wears off. my greatest advice for those of you looking to class up is this...
first - KNOW FOR CERTIAN you want to be in the Navy. its easy to point out those who don't know.
second - you WILL qestion your decision in the first month with out a doubt. but press on.
third - relax and try to look at the big picture, whether you get ground into the ground and ridiculed for the entire 13 weeks it doesn't matter as long as at the end you get at ensign bar.
fourth - you will be a TON BETTER OFF if you come in shape. don't think that they will get you in shape. you should with out question be getting at minimum - MINIMUM 80 situps and 60-65 CORRECT pushups and run under 11 min for the mile and a half. but like i said that is a minimum. if you come in with just those numbers you will struggle but survive. i recommend coming in with better numbers.
LAST - know your big three. it will save you some, but know that there are errors in the gouge that they hand out from the recruiters. but its minor.

well, i don't have tons of time. i will say this...ocs sucks but its a small step in getting to where you want to go. if you actually like ocs, or come in with the mentality that its a piece of cake then you are mistaken. but when you get here, if you make the best of what you've got...try to laugh a bit (because in reality its all quite funny the things they make you do although it sucks while you're doing it) then you'll be all right. Jared obrien, matt lowery and i are doing well. thomas b. rolled out after an early engery. for those of you who are planning to class up, its very nice to have a couple people you've at least chatted with before you sign up. well, i'm rambling.
good luck to all



Registered User
Hmmm... I'm concerned once again about this physical readiness. If you don't show up in this type of shape are you totally screwed??? I can pass the PRT, but not quite with these numbers right now. To be honest, up to yesterday, I've been putting all of my energy in making sure I graduate so I can get to OCS. I am definitally not going to become a PT stud by next week. Any thoughts on this??? I guess the worst that can happen is that I'll get rolled back.


Dave Shutter

Registered User
Great advice, especially the big three. I can't say how many people have had trouble with those, even at the week 9 RLP. Some people get so nervous during the inspections they can't spell their names, I'm not kidding. If you flub the questions they give you in the first portion of the RLP they look to kill you, not unlike all the stories you hear about IP's being up the butts of SNA's who forget basic stuff. Know e'm cold.


Registered User
Great OCS really sounds like "fun". After what el_riddle posted I think I should watch the skulls and take notes :)

Anyways, thanks for the advice el_riddle. 13 weeks can be torcher but in the end seems worth it if you can wear those bars.



Registered User
Great info Luke. I was hoping you guys would come back with updates. Keep going strong! Sorry to hear about Thomas' injury. Does anyone know what he plans on doing? Whew, that's something I never thought of to take into account. Who plans on getting injured at OCS and having to leave and look for a job all over again!?


Registered User
Just because you get injured doesn't mean you get kicked out of OCS. Most likely he's on hold while he heals up and then he'll resume training.

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