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Is it baseball season yet?
Yeah, sure I used to get like that too, why not? You're a senior in high school and if you take a scholarship or go USNA you're planning out the next 9 or more years of your life! But I think I took Bubba's approach, I would think of all the cool things I'd be doing in the Navy, whether it be flying off a carrier or driving a cruiser or destroyer. Then if I hadn't made the choice to go, what would I be doing? What else is right for me? I know sitting in an office in some cramped ass cubicle working 9-5 is not for me. There's no turning back for me now and I'm glad.

I just know that for the next 9 or more years of my life, the civilian job market is not right for me. It's all about benefits and tradeoffs... where would you rather be? Which question is worse to you - "is it right for me?" or "what if?" To me, "what if" was. I could never live knowing that I could have been doing.


Registered User
I don't think its really a bad thing to question your self, as mentioned above you are committing many years to service to your country. so its good to weight out all the different paths you can take. I have had the jitters myself, sometimes I get a little demotivated when things don't go my way but I am so happy I have stuck with it. Its an awesome feeling when you get your first choice and fullfill your dreams. I was like you, I have wanted to be in the military since I was six. You have plenty of time, so I think that you should talk to NROTC and USNA people about what they do. Get all the details and concerns taken care of. One step at a time. And remember even when you get there you still have several years before you commission. Its a long step by step process and we have all done it. I would argue that most of us love our jobs, especially people on this site, other wise we wouldn't waste time posting our thoughts about it :icon_wink And even if all said and done the military is not for you, you can get out of service after your time is up, and it looks awesome on a resume. Good Luck!!!