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I'm not sure where I should post this one, but here goes. I have been experiencing a lot of doubt lately about going into the military, even though I have been dreaming of doing it ever since I was five or six. The question of whether this is the right decision for me or not has been popping up in the back of my mind a lot lately. Did anybody else experience this? What helped you make it through? Thanks.:)


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
AllAmerican75 said:
I have just been given a second chance to receive an appointment to the academy. For those unfamiliar with my story, go HERE. I was called up by my congressman's aide responsible for nominations and he asked me if I was still interested, as he had a file on me but had never heard from me. I told him I had never made any contact because the Academy had rejected my application. He asked me why and asked me some questions about my GPA, SAT/ACT scores, and extracurriculars. He said that I sounded like an excellent candidate and he asked if I would be interested in taking another shot at the USNA. I answered "HELL YES!!" more or less:D. So I went down and filled out some paperwork and gave him my transcripts and whatnot and said he would send in my nomination next week.
So, if everything works out, it looks like I might be living out my dream. I'm glad I have people willing to go to bat for me. Wish me luck!:) :) :) :)

Now I'm confused...

If you are as excited as you say, I say go to USNA. If it's not for you, you have until the start of your 2/c year to resign with no repercussions (enlisted payback).

But if you are already thinking about quitting if you go there, don't take a slot from someone else who really wants to be there.


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
I think reservations and uncertainty regarding any major milestone/decision in life are normal. It is the degree to which you are having any self-doubts (what Schnugg mentioned) that should tell you if you are setting off on the right path. Seems from just the quick read that I have done on your profile and post, that this something you have been working towards (like quite a few others on this board, and those of us farther down the pipe than you).

Big flick: Don't enter with the mindset of "should I be here?/is this what I want?".... hit it with a 150%, do well, have fun, and get the selection slot you want. As many on here would probably agree with me on, you are going to have some great times, end up with life long friends, and be challenged more than "joe schmo" in college. Each of the hurdles you overcome are WORTH that day you get your Wings (Budweiser/SWO pin... whatever), and Uncle Sugar gives you the keys to go drive some multi-million dollar equipment.

Best of luck to you.



My doubts aren't all that big. It's just this one little thought lingering in the back of my mind. If you asked me on the street if it's the right thing for me, I'd say "Hell Yes, It's the only thing for me!" But in times of quiet reflection when I'm alone and left to my own devices, I wonder if I'm on the right path. I guess because it seems so far away, and all the active duty and retired military guys that I have had the honor of meeting, all are these high speed, motivated, disciplined, and squared-away hombres. And I wonder whether I have what it takes or whether I'm good enough. I know, I sound like this whiny little pussy, but these are things that concern me.


AllAmerican75 said:
I guess because it seems so far away, and all the active duty and retired military guys that I have had the honor of meeting, all are these high speed, motivated, disciplined, and squared-away hombres. And I wonder whether I have what it takes or whether I'm good enough.

Where do you think that these guys get that attitude?
Been in the military since '75 and and I was a goddam longhaired hippie at that time! Have you ever watched An Officer and a Gentleman? However very dramatized, I think everybody who went to a military academy concurs that there is a truth in this movie, and that is that your way of thinking will be reset to be a TEAMPLAYER who knows his own qualities and willing to let the TEAM use these abilities.
Right now I represent what the (Royal Neth) Navy stands for and will defend the Navy's standpoint by all means (fair and unfair!).
Bottomline, before you enter this adventure realize that YOU WILL CHANGE, if you are willing to let that happen.


Really old guy
AllAmerican75 said:
I'm not sure where I should post this one, but here goes. I have been experiencing a lot of doubt lately about going into the military, even though I have been dreaming of doing it ever since I was five or six. The question of whether this is the right decision for me or not has been popping up in the back of my mind a lot lately. Did anybody else experience this? What helped you make it through? Thanks.:)

As young as you are I would say this is normal. You are about to leave home for the first time for a major lifestyle change. And joining the military is most likely the only major decision you have made up to now. Don't sweat it.....your feeling of 'is this the right decsion' is more likely nervousness from a young man who is about to fulfill a dream.

Do what you have been thinking of since you were 5-6 and be the same guy your posts reflect (I have read them) and you will be ok.

"And I wonder whether I have what it takes or whether I'm good enough."

Yea, you are.


I Can Has Leadership!

What these guys have said is absolutely correct. I'd been dreaming of being an aviator since I was 5 or 6. I knew in my head and heart that I wanted to be a naval aviator.

When I was in high school and at USNA, I did have some reservations. I questioned whether or not I'd made the right carrer and college choice. I considered leaving USNA.

Don't get yourself too worried. Its normal to have the jitters when you make any major potentially life altering decision. What got me over those jitters was thinkin back to when I lived on Roosy Roads in PR (under the approach to the airfield) and I used to watch all the jets taking off or landing, and the rides I got in some of the helos that were down there.

Try reflecting on why you made the decision and what got you interested in the first place. And since you say you can truthfully say "Yeah.. this is what I want to do" when someone on the street asks you, I say you're on the right path.

Agree with feddoc... you've got it... now you just gotta give it a go. It's your dream man... and unlike alot of people, you've got a chance to chase it.

Good luck and you'll be fine.
Cheers, Bubba

P.S... When you start worrying is when you look up to a clear sky and you find yourself not wanting to be up there. Doesn't seem like that's you right now.


I'm here for the Jeeehawd!
All American,

All I can say is that I pissed away the same opportunity you've been afforded (at a time when slots are increasingly competitive), and throughout 12 years on a SEAL Team, and 4 years as a military aviator I've regretted it every day of my military career since.

For what it's worth...don't blow it! You won't know what you've lost until you're 35, married with 2 kids trying to eak out college classes in between deployments and 18 hour workdays.



Registered User
All American,

I was in your shoes when I was in High School. There was nothing I wanted more than to go to USNA and fly Jets for the Navy. There was never a doubt in my mind that I was on the right path. To make a long story short, I went and then I left half way through my Plebe year. It was the right decision for me to both go to the Academy and then when it became apparent that it was not the place for me, to leave. It was a heart breaking decision for me to leave, I had put 3 years of time and energy into getting into the Academy. I had very solid reasons to leave, and personally I made the right decision. The Academy is not for everyone, not every person who goes in comes out a shining example of Naval brilliance, some come out pretty messed up. And I knew if I stayed that I would not be the officer that I wanted to be. But you have to decide these things for your self. If you get the chance to go, and you want it as bad as it seems you do, for crying in the night GO! You will regret never having tried, I know I would have even though I didn't stay. Having doubts about your capability only help you weed them out and make yourself stronger.

If you go and then decide that it isn't the place for you, at least stay through Plebe summer and part of a semester. It will give you a little more perspective of what the place is like for all classes. Then if you decide to go, you can do it with your head held high and on your own terms. And if you leave and then later discover that you still want to be a military man, you can still do it. There are other options.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Geology_Rocks said:
All American,

I was in your shoes when I was in High School. There was nothing I wanted more than to go to USNA and fly Jets for the Navy. There was never a doubt in my mind that I was on the right path. To make a long story short, I went and then I left half way through my Plebe year. It was the right decision for me to both go to the Academy and then when it became apparent that it was not the place for me, to leave. It was a heart breaking decision for me to leave, I had put 3 years of time and energy into getting into the Academy. I had very solid reasons to leave, and personally I made the right decision. The Academy is not for everyone, not every person who goes in comes out a shining example of Naval brilliance, some come out pretty messed up. And I knew if I stayed that I would not be the officer that I wanted to be. But you have to decide these things for your self. If you get the chance to go, and you want it as bad as it seems you do, for crying in the night GO! You will regret never having tried, I know I would have even though I didn't stay. Having doubts about your capability only help you weed them out and make yourself stronger.

If you go and then decide that it isn't the place for you, at least stay through Plebe summer and part of a semester. It will give you a little more perspective of what the place is like for all classes. Then if you decide to go, you can do it with your head held high and on your own terms. And if you leave and then later discover that you still want to be a military man, you can still do it. There are other options.

Good luck!

While everyone has some great posts here, I think the above is one of the most insightful, at least for me. Those that know me will know why. If it's what you want, go for the USNA slot, but don't go into it thinking you'll just give it a shot and then quit when it's not fun anymore. If there's more doubt than just a "can I hack the military in general," I agree w/ Schnugg, and go NROTC and let someone else have the Academy slot.

But based off your other posts here on the board, you'll proably kick yourself if you don't go for the USNA slot, should you get it. PM me if you want, I'll elaborate a bit more.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
gatordev said:
But based off your other posts here on the board, you'll proably kick yourself if you don't go for the USNA slot, should you get it. PM me if you want, I'll elaborate a bit more.

And by your profile, it seems you play and like football, ne c'est pas? If you want to fly and play some good football, go for the academy. May not be a Top ten or even 20 ranked school, but it's serious football and you'll get some (not a lot, but some slack from plebe pressure, especially at meals). Read McCain's book for additional insight in career doubts and rebeling at USNA...well, maybe not, that might confuse you...


Well-Known Member
All American,

Without knowing more about the situation I'll give you my input, I'm a Midshipman 3/C at ERAU NROTC but I sort of have a unique story. I applied out of high school to the USNA, went through the whole process, received an appointment and got my letter from the academy. I had a slot waiting for me. It was during this time that I began to feel how you are feeling now, I no longer was confident in what I wanted to do with my life. I realize now that it was probably just the jitters, realizing what my life would be transformed into. The transition from the civilian world to the academy life is brutal. I made the mistake of taking it on myself, I told one person how I felt and decided to turn down the academy. ( Also, don't know if this is part of the situation but, don't let a high school girlfriend talk you out of the academy, its not a smart move at all) That summer I began regretting my decision and starting talking to people about how I had felt, turns out a lot of people feel like that. I reapplied to the USNA and became a USNA reject, not a big deal because I had NROTC as a back up but I'll always wonder what life could have been like if I had taken the opportunity I had been given. You've taken a big step in admitting that you are feeling this way and it seems you have the desire to go to the academy. I think you know what you want to do but just need some reassurance, perhaps talk to your parents or if you have specific concerns I know there are a lot of USNA guys on the forum that could help. Congratulations on the opportunity you've been given and if you want anymore advice feel free to PM me!


Registered User
To counter Geology_Rocks, I went to USNA and left out of immaturity. You can do a search and basically read my story. I totally regret this decision. You need to think of what you want and what you can live with. If you think that you can turn USNA down and never look back, then there is your answer. If you are going to spend the rest of your life thinking "what if" then maybe you should go, but whether you go or stay you need to put 100% of yourself in to your decision. If you go to USNA you need to go with total commitment. If you go thinking you may quit if you don't like it, you will. No one likes it all the time, its how you deal with those dark days that will effect how you do at the academy, and stay away from the guys that talk about quitting misery loves company. I've seen 2-3 guys quit at one time because they all talk each other in to it. Listen to Officers and upper-classmen, they have far far more wisdom than you would ever believe. If you don't go, don't look back. Look forward. If you want to serve your country follow that goal with all you have. If you want to do something else, follow that goal with all your heart. You obviously have the tools or the Naval Academy would not even give you a second thought. Use those tools with the same determination that has gotten you this far. You need to do some soul searching, advice from mentors is great but you are going to be the one on that bulkhead getting yelled at. Feel free to PM me I would be glad to help in anyway I can. Good luck in whatever you do. I am sure you will make a good decision.


I Can Has Leadership!
xmid makes a great point. I survived 4 Dark Ages and 70-some odd days of restriction..... so essentially 5 dark ages.

The trick, where ever you go, is to find something to get you through the rough spots. For me, it was my fiance (then girlfriend), sailing and ultimate frisbee. (hell... talking to my fiancee and playin frisbee keep me sane here)

I'll leave you with the same option xmid gave... if you want advice on gettin through USNA, give me a holler.

Cheers, Bubba


Registered User
You have to do what is right for you.

xmid may regret leaving USNA, but I do not. I am a better person for going, and for leaving. Its either for you or it isn't. Go with the mindset that this is what you want and give it your all. I did, and discovered that that route wasn't for me.

But what every one is saying is that you have to go to know. But you don't have to stay, the academy life is not for everyone. If you want to know specifics of why I left and why I'm glad I did feel free to PM me. :D