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Ultimate game of Risk...

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
India's a wild card. They have a large force, but their shit is mostly old, and their procurement system is a trainwreck.

Agreed their procurement system is a hot mess (then again, so is ours). But the Indians have been very aggressively modernizing for the last 20 years and their Air Force and Navy are pros. The quality of their stuff is certainly up for debate, but it’s not old.

They have come oh so far since then though, almost every week I see something out of there that is alarming and the train ain't stopping anytime soon. And don't forget the Indians don't have much more experience than the Chinese.

The Indians have come a long way too. And they’ve had their occasionally-hot Cold War with the Paks to keep them sharp. No, the Paks aren’t the varsity, but it’s a rivalry with a nuke-armed peer competitor right up against your border. If the Indians ever sort out their bureaucracy (somehow they managed to combine the worst parts of British and Soviet bureaucracies), they’ll be a serious power.

Anyway, if the point of this exercise is “value for the money,” I stick with India. You get a large, modern, professional military with power projection capability, which is more than you get from anyone else on the $20-and-under list.


Dirty Hinge
Assuming the share of technology and intel across allies would negate technology gap, and we have the ability to easily neutralize Mexico and Canada and quickly expand borders to southern peninsular choke points and the arctic circle, a robust Navy will be crucial to victory. We still have the capability to sneak Tomahawks up close with sub fleet and the CSG allows the force projection to work coastal cities.

A quick blitz south and targeted strikes north in first offensive, then use captured labor to repair supply routes and set up for drive south. Use India to keep a festering eastern front to occupy Russia/China (their numbers and Navy will be bolstered by our tech) while supplying them with quickly trained African troops.

Second season is a methodical conquering of South America, bypassing mountainous terrain with air transport and gaining the resources of Brazil (food/textiles, etc.) and the petroleum industries as we finally get to fuck up Venezuela. Obviously all the other countries down there have nice stuff to take as well...

Transoceanic routes between South America and Africa are much shorter than Pacific, allowing an easy stepping off point to work north and east.

Assuming India has managed to really piss of the communist circle around them, we will need to keep working to encircle through Europe and avoid repeating the mistakes of Napoleon and Hitler and lay siege to Russia/China with strikes aimed at destroying their food production and distribution networks, starving out their people through the winter and spending a few years patiently nibbling the edges until they collapse from within.

Yup, sounds totally feasible...


Super Moderator
...The Indians have come a long way too. And they’ve had their occasionally-hot Cold War with the Paks to keep them sharp.

Not even close to the Chinese, I regularly see stuff coming out of China that is alarming military-wise...India, not so much.

Anyway, if the point of this exercise is “value for the money,” I stick with India. You get a large, modern, professional military with power projection capability, which is more than you get from anyone else on the $20-and-under list.

Value? Certainly. Power projection, not so much.

Someone has to guard the chow halls.






If by Risk rules, USA / Canada / Mexico and South Africa plus pretty much any neighbors. Though for $100 you could pretty well lock down Australia.

By actual capabilities value; USA, Israel, Italy (more because I miss Sig, though they've got decent industry and inventory, and I presume we get per diem).

India is a wildcard, indeed ... but too much, too crazy bureaucracy and some leadership that seems questionable in sanity and integrity. I might be biased by working a couple of bids there.


“You know what the Ukraine is? It's a sitting duck. A road apple, Newman. The Ukraine is weak. It's feeble. I think it's time to put the hurt on the Ukraine.”

Like @sparky said, need clarification if it’s real world capes or risk rules. Because if it’s risk rules AUS is worth it for the continent bonus as is the getting most of the US with USA and MEX. with that opening hand the first move is to get CAN and then boom, two continents.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
$70 bucks for the US, $10 bucks for Brazil (good defense industry) and keep the last $20 for a round of victory beers!

Randy Daytona

Cold War Relic
Super Moderator
US, Canada, Mexico, Nigeria (oil), Angola (oil), Algeria (natural gas), South Africa (minerals) Djibouti (close the Red Sea).

Risk II has one of the upper campaign levels where everyone in turn is given a certain amount of credit to bid on nations in an auction. Fun game but it has trouble running on Windows 10.



Well-Known Member
US, Canada, Mexico, Nigeria (oil), Angola (oil), Algeria (natural gas), South Africa (minerals) Djibouti (close the Red Sea).

Risk II has one of the upper campaign levels where everyone in turn is given a certain amount of credit to bid on nations in an auction. Fun game but it has trouble running on Windows 10.

How much do the Scots Greys cost?