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Registered User
Hi all you guys,
I got the news last month that i was not pro-rec for NFO, AMDO, Intel,
I really dont know what the Navy is looking for, I am very disappointed because I really thought I had a good package, grades, scores, even 300 hours of flying time with Instrument rating. Well, I guess back to the drawing board, but disappointed.
Any Ideas are welcomed,


Sorry to hear that...
I am getting ready to reapply myself next week.
What were your stats?
I would have thought the hours would have worked out great for you. I guess it is like flippin a coin whether we get in or not.


AMDO - 13 Nov OCS
Appeal appeal appeal. Just ask yourself how bad do you want this? NFO and Intel are HIGHLY competitive right now. AMDO is very picky since its a small community.

If you don't mind me asking what were your scores (PRT and ASTB), grades, LORs, (you may have mentioned in another post but I haven't looked)? How was the motivational statement? Write up a good appeal letter and make them believe just how badly you want to do this.

I know how disappointing it can be and we all know what hell it is just going through the process. Don't lose faith! Make them understand that this is really REALLY what you want. Let us know if need anything. :D


OCC 191 Select
Don't feel bad. I was not pro rec'd my first time, then I reapplied and got pro rec'd for SNA but not final select, and now I am getting ready to retake the ASTB for the third and final time and reapply once more. 3rd time's a charm..... Applying for Navy and Marine 189.


Registered User
Thanks guys for your encouraging words,
The first time i was denied as SNA but now I passed the age limit I am already 27, My stats were not the best but overall I thought I had a good chance the second time around, My OAR is 55 with combination of 6-7-8's and 9 on pilot
I really dont want to take the ASTB again. I did two interviews one with a LT. NFO and the other one with A XO and Chief Pilot of Point Magu Naval Station, both went excellent. Also, my LOR's one is from a Navy Captain in the Reserves, ex-Airforce Pilot and retired Continental Airline Pilot/Proffesor at the UNiversity, from Academic advisor during my undergrad work, one from my job that I had for 5 years, one from a director from Salt Lake City International Airport, and last one from flight instructor who flies for an an airline now. My degree was a B.S. in aviation, I have my private and intrument rating and working on my commercial with around 300 hours of flight time. while I was doing all of this I had a full time job, and I also volunteered the last two years of college recruiting high school and community college students for the Aviation program, graduated with a 3.3 GPA. The best LOR was from the Navy Captain, He wrote one that was excellent, I have known him for 3 yrs and he was always my mentor. He was shocked to hear that i was not even pro-rec for any, i did not take the PRT but i did a practice one, I did 80 push ups and 65 situps, and 10:15 1.5 mile. I really dont know what they are looking for, but i am very disappointed.
I put so much effort into all of this, from the start of my college carreer. I started a masters program in aviation aswell, doing pretty well there with almost half way through it. Anyhow, good luck to all, I will try a third time, and last time!!
My friend down at API told me that he did not get it, he knows that I was more qualified than alot of the guys that he is with right now, so i dont know what is the equation for selection. For starters i am a minority so i hope that is not the case, sounds stupid but i have not seen too many hispanics in the NAVY as pilots or NFO's,
anyhow, dont take my word but i hope that is not the case....


OCC 191 Select
The Navy is just downsizing. Its the way it is right now. Also, they may be taking your age into consideration also. If you want to be a pilot that bad go Marines. That is what I am going for. With your stats, if you can get some kick A@# PFT scores you should be good to go.


Bottom of the barrel
Dude, there are lots of hispanics in Naval Aviation, just so you know.

Good luck and keep trying (persistance often pays off)!!


Registered User
Two of my friends from college are both hispanic and about to be winged. One gets his wings this week, and one in a couple of months. The military is the most color blind place that you will ever find, so don't worry about that aspect.


Registered User
Guys, I just hoped that it was not the case (RACE), However, I was just speaking bases on statistical data I research before, and what I have seen before my eyes. I also have a friend at API, he said that race its not an issue but there were only a few in his class. I did not mean to sound stupid or naive or offend anyone, I want to believe that America no longer practices that. I know alot of us are not too experienced in military history or practices, I only made that statement on what people have told me who have been in the military circuit. I apologize if I offended anyone.
good luck to all


Registered User
there is some statistical data on the web that shows hispanics in the military and breaks it down by branch, in order to see it for your self you have to look for it, I was just browsing through what i was researching. Here is a statement from www.news.navy.mil web site

"Pacific Fleet Master Chief Reflects Navy, Hispanic Heritage
Story Number: NNS031017-11
Release Date: 10/17/2003 12:49:00 PM

By Journalist 3rd Class Jessica B. Davis, Pacific Fleet Public Affairs

PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (NNS) -- From Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 the nation, and the Navy, recognized the contributions of Hispanic-Americans as a part of Hispanic Heritage month.

Although Department of Defense statistics show that 10 percent of the military are Hispanic, and four percent make up the officer corps, the Commander U.S. Pacific Fleet Master Chief (SW/AW) Manuel Camerena Rodriguez, a Mexican-American who holds the second highest enlisted position in the Navy, doesn’t like to get caught up in statistics.

It is not exactly a statement of preferencial race but it gives you an idea, and I have seen similar information on the aviation community, however I take all of these information as bias from people that have experience that in the past, does not necessairly mean its the present.
I know the NAVY is downsizing but folks what really disappointed me was that I knew someone who got in with nearly the same stats, and even with no flight experience and even from the same school, and he was accepted. Maybe the Navy is truly looking for top schools to recruit from, however this example before my eyes led me to question that.
Well, guys all of this is just an opinion...........please dont take any of this to the heart, I like the Navy and I will try what is in my power to try to get in, I will apply one last time, if my stats does not show leadership, i dont know what will.
Good luck to all


OCC 191 Select
Dude, quit crying. I had good stats and good LORs etc... and I was Pro Rec'd and non final select with NO explanation given. That is life. I am going for the Marine Corps now. Life is nothing but choices, being miserable is one of em............... Choose wisely.


Registered User
Guys, I was just simply posting a reply to what other people asked me to provide. I am in NO WAY CRYING about this.
E6286 dont be the typical jar head!!!


Did you know that 8% of the Navy are foreign born and half of them don't have a citizenship? How many of those are probably Hispanic? Or dominican?

Do you realize that one MUST be a citizen to be an Officer? That makes up for the gap right there.

Finally, you need to have a four year degree.

Young adults from a lot of very low income families go to the military and try to get a job. They are not forced into a particular job.

If they have a degree, they could be told about officer opportunities. If they don't, they'll be presented enlisted opportunities. It's up to the future soldier's papers.

It's not the military that is making the decision.

Tell you what: DONT list your minority race when you apply for things in the Navy.


90% of this post was deleted by me for easier reading. :)


Pro-Rec'd for Intel
Seriously man, buckle up and appeal. If you're seriously complaining about not getting pro-rec'd and you play the race card... I really don't think it has anything to do with it.


Registered User
cessnajet1h: Looks to me like you want to fly, but are also willing to do other things. Have you looked into the Coast Guard? You would probably have a competetive package for CG OCS.

Also, depending on the college you went to, (>25% minority) you may qualify for Blue 21, a guaranteed flight slot after OCS.

I am a Coast Guard Officer, graduated from OCS in March and just got accepted to flight school. Reporting to Pensacola in < 1 month.

Feel free to PM me, or bring the discussion over to www.coastguardocs.org.
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