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Registered User
For what its worth there is an instructor here in Meridian who is a former Army Cobra pilot. He was flying for them during the Gulf War period. He got out - not sure what the process was- joined the Marines and became a Harrier driver. Let me know if you are interested in getting in touch with him.



Registered User
Jack, that would be cool. Please ask him if he'd be willing to exchange e-mail with me. Mine is mkelley467@home.com


Mike the Grunt


Registered User
Short Update follows...

The Navy has passed me BACK to talking to the voicemail system at BUPERS. I left messages again. I called the USMC OSO for the first time today and he gave me most of the info I needed regarding the Corps. He told me I would have to attend OCS and he didn't think I'd get to keep any of my rank but he is checking that out. He is also the exact right guy to talk to about this and I got him on the very first call. If anyone knows anyone at BUPERS who will answer a phone, please let me know. I was zero for 3 this afternoon over there, so I just e-mailed all the folks that were suggested in an earlier post.

Mike the Grunt

Edited by - Grunt on 01/11/2002 17:40:23


Science Project
You tried to get a hold of someone in the Navy on a Friday afternoon? That's funny.

If you are still serving time on inactive reserve, then you may fall under the guides of an Interservice Transfer in which case you should see the following website and contact YN1 Coffield: http://www.bupers.navy.mil/pers8/pers%2D80/pers%2D801/scott%20testing/pers-811.htm#istb

This page will give you her email address and DSN number. It will also give you references to the Navy's and Army's regulations on the subject.


Registered User
Jeffrey, thanks for the info. I just shot off an e-mail to those folks and I'll try and find the regs listed there. I am still listed in the Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR) because I had a 3 yr scholarship. Hopefully they will be able to help.

As for the Friday thing, it was worth a shot even though I know better.

EDIT: E-mail returned as undeliverable. Maybe their system is temporarily down. I'll try it again later.

Mike the Grunt

Edited by - Grunt on 01/12/2002 07:49:07


Registered User
I would like the commercial number if you get the chance. There is one listed at the top of the page you linked to, so that may do it. Tried that e-mail again, it still got kicked back.


Mike the Grunt


Science Project
The email address on the bupers page is wrong. For YN1 Coffield try P801G1B@persnet.Navy.Mil

Her number is (901) 874-3171.

Good Luck.


Registered User
Thanks for the info. I sent messages to the Navy aviation detailer and the community manager and they are pointing fingers at Recruiting. I did exchange messages with the detailer and I spoke with the community manager who is going to run some things down for me and find out who I need to speak with. He'll probably have more luck as an O-5 than I had as a former O-3. On the bright side, he understands that I should be able to be reappointed to my prior rank but he isn't sure of that either. At least its more headway than I had before. The package arrived from the USMC today as well (tonight's reading material).

Mike the Grunt


Registered User
Well, I finally had to take extraordinary measures. The father of a good friend of mine is a retired senior naval officer. He has, um, rattled some cages which resulted in phone calls from the Director of Operations for Naval Recruiting and a Captain at BUPERS. They are figuring things out now. The ball is officially rolling.

Mike the Grunt


Registered User
Interservice Transfer Update Follows...

Today (after 6 weeks) I finally got a checklist of what I have to do to make this happen via the Navy. The short version is that I have to request recall to active duty via the Navy and an interservice transfer via the Navy. I also have to request a conditional release from the Army and, so I don't screw myself later, I have to request that my date of rank to O-3 be adjusted from 5/00 to whenever they bring me into service. Otherwise my O-4 board would meet just as I finished flight school. On top of this the Army screwed up in transfering me from active duty to the inactive ready reserve so I have to fix that before I can move on. Word is that the appropriate paperwork to do that is enroute to me now. I have now spoken with everyone who has, does, or will work at BUPERS and my phone bill is insane, hehe.

Mike the Grunt
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