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Too Short???

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Stashed Ensign - NFO
Does anyone know what happens if you get to Pensacola and you dont meet requirements for the measurements(anthropometric)? What are the current requirements? I am a little concerned, I am really short...


Registered User
well they do all that before you get accepted for flight, at least thats what they do in the Corps and I'm certain its the same...so unless you shrank between then and API it shouldn't concern you to much...if your there and one of the original measurments is just short I suspect they'll bend the rules (I know of it being done...well through second hand accounts).


Well, if you are Navy SNA then you might be in trouble. Right now, they are looking for reasons to get rid of guys. My friend is currently trying to redesig since he was found to be .1 inch too tall with his sitting height. This was after he passed his initial flight physical and his NAMI. He was called in after IFS for a third anthro measurement and was dropped after that.

Here are the standards: http://www.nomi.med.navy.mil/Nami/WaiverGuideTopics/exams.htm

If you are a FO or a Marine, they might let it slide since they are short on those guys.


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
Red2 said:
If you are a FO or a Marine, they might let it slide since they are short on those guys.

Pun intended? :icon_lol: :icon_lol:


Well-Known Member
Even if you already had your measurements taken for a precomm/pre-ocs or any sort of flight physical, they will measure you again in API and those are the measurements that count. Almost 3 years ago (yikes it was that long ago!) when I went thru API they'd let you transfer to NFO if you didn't 'measure up' :icon_smil (as long as we're being punny)


Stashed Ensign - NFO
Thank you for your quick response and assistance. i am just a little worried because my measurements are all right on the edge and I am 62" tall. When I was an enlisted aircrewman my measurements were actually outside the norm. However, for an aircrewman those didn't matter very much. I am already slated as an NFO, but I was curious as to what happens if you get there and you don't "measure up" so to speak. Do they redesignate you or do they discharge you?


Registered User
The measurements you will get in Pcola before API is from the "Golden Ruler"... I got initially measured for my pre-comm physical at NAS Jax... months later when they reviewed my physical they said my sit & reach was an inch short to be an SNA, though I still qualified for SNFO... I was told that going back to NAS Jax and getting remeasured whould be almost a waste of time, the safest bet was to go to Pcola and get measured there, because if I were to remeasure and meet the minimum measurement, but then go to Pcola after I got commissioned and not meet the minimum measurement, at this point in time in the Navy, I would have been done with the Navy completely. I also know a girl who met the minimum measurements at NAS Jax, but then was like half and inch short of the min. height when she was measured at pcola... She was very very lucky that several people pulled strings for her to stay in the Navy, she ended up going Supply... so heads up on that.


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
Nice Puppy Ice...did you find a place in P-cola?

Shorty - As far as the measurement stuff goes, I wouldn't really be too concerned if you're slated for SNFO. They seem to be way short on them right now *seriously no pun intended* ... *well, maybe a little pun* ... * and by "little" I mean - oh, nevermind!* ...SNFO's are in demand at the moment so I wouldn't be sweating it right now.


Registered User
Fmr1833 said:
Nice Puppy Ice...did you find a place in P-cola?

Found a house to live in, so it's all good, and it has tons of room for my little puppy to play around in. She's learning new tricks, she's almost go the handshake and the wave down, now we are trying to get her to rollover... that's gonna be hard... Next trick... fetching beer...


Registered User
IceMan says you don't even have the fetch beer trick down, how do you plan to teach it to the puppy?


Stashed Ensign - NFO
Icewoman, thanks for the info. so are you down there in P'cola now doing API? Your friend that got redesignated, did you say it was easier for here to be redesignated when she got to p'cola or before even going down there? My pre-comm measurements are really close to the minimums (like some are the minimums) I know everyone is saying that the Navy is hurting for FO's but would they bend the rules that much to get another FO out into the fleet?

And good luck with the pup, te beer trick will prove to be most rewarding as the years go bye...


Active Member
shorty12 said:
Does anyone know what happens if you get to Pensacola and you dont meet requirements for the measurements(anthropometric)? What are the current requirements? I am a little concerned, I am really short...

Do you happen to own a Harley Davidson Sportster and are a pretty good golfer?? Just checkin....


Registered User
I don't think that you will have a problem since the Navy needs NFO's, the girl I know was selected SNA, she got redesignated after she got to pcola, but this isn't something they do for everyone... she was very very lucky, most people would've been given the boot


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
Seriously, good luck with the beer thing. I named my Boston "Guinness"... too bad he can't go get me one right now. Hmmmm... or can he? :doggy_125 :icon_drin
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