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Too Old???


Registered User
I poked around on the forum for a bit trying to find out some posts on my question (and realize that I probably need to sit down with a recruiter), but I figured I'd get some immediate feedback from the community.

I turned 31 about two weeks ago and basically what I want to figure out is if the timeline for applying, getting accepted and completing OCS would then prevent me from pursuing flight school (because of age limits/rules/regulations). This is the only part that is holding me up from pursuing this path as I realize the rest of the obstacles that will arise are just that...obstacles that are POSSIBLE to overcome. Time is the one thing I have no influence on and it's the age thing that I've been led to believe will possibly/probably knock me out, so, I'd appreciate any feedback from y'all. Be it criticism, encouragment, facts, rumors or jokes. Many Thanks...


Picture Clean!

I had a similar problem. Generally speaking, the maximum age for becoming a SNA or SNFO is 28 on the day of comissioning. This can be extended by up to four years if you have prior Enlisted time (on a year-by-year basis), which is how I got into the program. I was 29 when I graduated OCS, and 31 by the time I finally got my wings. On the other hand, I believe that other Officer programs (SWO, INTEL, CRYPTO, etc...) will accept people up to 35 years of age. Keep in mind that it's possible (however unlikely) to get a waiver for almost anything. Talk to a recruter for the latest info. Even if you can't become an aviator, you may be perfectly eligible for something else. Good luck!


SNFO waiting for primary
I turned 31 on Nov 19th, was commissioned on 16 Dec and had 10 years of prior service and they disquailfied me for pilot. I am a SNFO, but the cut off there for me was 32. They have too many people wanting aviation, that was the reason I was told for being disquailfied for pilot.

Good Luck


This is why I can't get into Grad School
I would concur with above said, but like Dunedan stated you can pretty much get a waiver for anything. The biggest hurdle that most people run into is the NOMI "no." (Aviation medical screen.) After you speak with a recruitor he should run you down that path first. See if you're even medically qual'd. That seems to be where most of the stubbling blocks in this line of work occur.


Registered User

Thanks to all for passing along their information... I'm thinking that at this point in life, I'm going to have to go the WO route with the Army for helos if I want to get up in the air. Still, I'll probably see how far I can get with the Navy before getting shot down, so to speak. I've heard jjordan19's story about a half a dozen times already this week from various Naval officers, so I won't be holding my breath, but I suppose you don't get what you don't ask for, so we'll see. I'll adjust my expectations accordingly... Thanks again for the feedback. If anyone else has anything to add, please do so. Very much appreciated...