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too nasty?

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Registered User
I have two possible options for OCS. Either go to Juniors this summer or OCC next summer. I was anticipating next summer, but two days ago my OSO asked if I wanted to leave this July. I did a PFT and got a 232. So I'm wondering if I'm too nasty and should wait for next year, or train and leave next month.
If you're curious, here's what I got-
17 pull-ups

82 crunches (don't ask) :thumbdn_1

23:50 run


New Member
With an almost 24 minute run time, there's a good chance you'll get put on probation right away. And inevitably, initial PFT scores are lower than people expect them to be. So there's also a possibility you might get sent packing if you go now.


Registered User
I have about the same PFT score you do and I'm leaving July 10. I'm trying to get under 23 minutes before I leave. I know that I am going to struggle everytime we run, but I'm mentally prepared and won't let myself quit.


Registered User
if I can max the pull-ups and crunches, but my run time stays around the same, will it still be a bad idea to ship this year?


Flying turd
taproot2779 said:
if I can max the pull-ups and crunches, but my run time stays around the same, will it still be a bad idea to ship this year?

Sure. That would be approximately a 264, which is still competitive.


Super Moderator
If it were me, I wouldn't ship until I had my run time around 21. Keep in mind, the PFT is the easiest PT event you'll do at OCS. It's been done with slower run times, but it'll be A LOT easier on you if your run time is 21 or so.

If you've made up your mind to go in July be careful how you PT. Don't overdue it and show up to OCS with injuries.


He'll dazzle you with terms like "Code Red."
You don't have a whole lot to lose by going this summer. Worst case scenario, your PFT isn't good enough and you get sent home. You can still apply to go next year. You'll have a few months to improve your PFT. If the OCC board sees that the only reason you got sent home was your PFT, and you have a better current PFT, then you could still have a pretty good chance of going to OCC. However, you do still have a fighting shot at getting through Juniors this summer. First of all, you have almost a month to improve your PFT before you would ship. Second, you wouldn't be the first person who came to OCS with a 232 PFT and graduated. I would go this summer if I were in your position.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Wait Wait Wait, If you are sent home for anything but an injury your chances of returning are very suspect. I believe you need a reccomendation to return from your staff and if your PFT sucks you probably wont get it. You have a couple of months to train but dont go down there thinking of you fail out you'll get another shot.
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Registered User
I agree with Skidkid. Being sent home for anything other than an injury would make it unlikely that the boards will send you back for a second shot. Think about it this way...you're an investment, and they're not going to invest their time and money again in someone who failed to meet their expectations the first time.

Even if you maxxed your p/u and crunches, your run time is still pushing the failure mark. If you run slower than 24 minutes on your initial PFT, you'll be going before the Colonel to explain to him why he should let you stay at OCS...

This scenario actually happend to a guy from my platoon. He ran around a 25 minute PFT, got sent before the Colonel, but convinced the Colonel to let him stay. Well, he stayed for another week until he got injured and was sent home. People have made it through OCS with a borderline failure run time, but I imagine it only makes things much more difficult-- and probably makes you more prone to injury.


Registered User
Agreed. Don't get sent home for anything other than an injury. Being sent home at all isn't fun even if it's an medical NPQ. Show up well preprared and your chances of success are much higher.


Prospective Candidate for OCS
i keep hearing people talking about going before the colonel and convincing him to let them stay....how often does the colonel kick people out. more so than let them stay? (based on initial PFT)


Registered User
ok, I can probably bring my run time down a little, and get the crunches and pull-ups out. but I have another problem, chin splints. Anybody know of any candidates who hacked it through juniors with chin splints?


Well-Known Member
future herc driver was being sarcastic. you're trying to say shin splints, not chin splints.
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