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To all out there, how's it going?

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Registered User

Just found the site, wanted to see who else is in the same position i'm in. I am a CTM3 stationed in Germany and am about 30 credits short of my degree. Unfortunately, they're all the upper level classes. I want to be ...an aviator (of course) and would love to hear some stuff about/from you guys.


Your MOM!
Where in Deutschland are you? I'm over in Mannheim and I leave for OCS in March. If you have any questions about joining from over here, just let me know. I can tell you this, the ASTB can only be taken in London or Naples. I had to fly to London to take it and you don't find out your score for about a month. By the way, you can finish your thirty credits with UMUC by the December graduation if you focus yourself to your studies.

Don't sweat the small stuff!

Edited by - Vic on 08/01/2002 00:55:28


Registered User

i'm in Bad Aibling... i'm torn right now between Excelsior and UMUC...I am thinking Excelsior only because I work shift work 3 weeks days, three weeks mids 12 on-12 off , and I have tons of CLEP and DSST credits. I am a quad zero (no C school) but I am up for orders soon (lovely location but the base is marginal at best) and probably going to sea in either mayport or dirsup in San Diego.

i may be able to pull it off and finish my stuff up here, but my command has told me that because they're undermanned, they're gonna make it tough for me to leave here with orders to OCS. believe me, i dont dig this place.
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