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This a decent score on the ASTB?

four o two

Hi guys, I'm looking to go in as a Naval Officer - I'll cut to the chase. I did a little bit of studying (a week's worth) with the ARCO books and went in and took the ASTB. I scored a 6/6/7/54. This decent? My recruiter says so, but I'd like to get an idea for averages.

Also, I am a graduating senior (candidate for Bachelor's in May '06) studying Computer Science (and minoring in Philosophy, but who cares right?) My GPA's not stellar at 3.1, but it's not bad considering the school I attend.

I've got recommendations from 2 old bosses, a good close family friend, and the President of my University. I'd like to get an idea of my overall "competitiveness."


Free Hat!
Welcome to the forum!

To answer your question:

It really depends on what community you are applying for...since you took the aviation portion I am assuming you want to go aviation.

For SNA you will probably need better line scores and a better OAR, SNFO takes a little bit less but I still think it would be in your best interest to study more and take the ASTB again.

I do want to say that no one actually knows your competitiveness until you apply. So, if your recruiter says you are competitive and that you should apply, then by all means do it and see what happens.

And the boards do look at your entire package, so if you are weak in one section you can improve others (higher GPA, more LOR's, great motivational statement).

I wish you the best of luck.

four o two

Yes, I would apply for flight, but it's not a deal breaker if I don't get it. I would also apply for Intel and Crypto.

Thanks for the info!


Free Hat!
Also....check out the stats and scores section of the web site to find out what scores are looking like of people that have already been accepted. They are a decent gauge of what it takes to become an officer in a specific community.

Intel & Crypto both use the "whole person" philosophy so the other parts of your application will carry more weight (extracirriculars, supervisiory positions in organiziations..etc).