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The Old Navy (thread split)

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A4sForever said:
Do you kiss your Mother with that mouth ??? No need to start cursing and foaming, Grasshopper. Serenity, now .... serenity, now .....

Isabel, a yacht, built in 1917 by Bath Iron Works, Bath Maine, was acquired before completion by the Navy from her owner, automobile manufacturer John North Willys of Toledo, Ohio; converted to Navy use as a destroyer; and commissioned 28 December 1917. Recommissioning at Philadelphia 18 July 1921, Isabel sailed for the Far East 21 August 1921 to join the famous Yangtze Patrol (YANGPAT).

You know that serenity now stuff? All it does is make you go crazy in the end. How do you think I ended up in the mental institution?

But either way, interesting bit of history there, A4s. After mis-IDing her, I went and dug through Navsource.org and realized Isabel's lines weren't quite right for the Panay, but I couldn't find any thing that would match her lines, but I stopped short of digging through the huge trove of misc. ships they had on there.

Being on a river patrol boat on the Yangtze might almost make being part of ship's company not so bad. Until, of course, the Japanese come along and "mistakenly" sink your ship.


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
what ever happened to the "Fan room"? I sure wish a chief could take some dumbass sailor into the back and straighten him out without the need to go to mast or XOI... Everything is SUCH a big deal now. A little skool of hard knocks education is what many people need!


PropStop said:
what ever happened to the "Fan room"? ...

You mean the liquor locker? Why do you think I always went down to the ship "early" on work-ups and picked my stateroom? Just because I was the LSO ... ???

Two concepts drove my search for the perfect stateroom: reliable air-conditioning (I always stayed opposite flight ops), and good "storage" nearby , a.k.a., the "fan room" ....

(*Sigh*) ... Home, sweet home. I should have stayed in ...

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Attention on deck! We have an Admiral in our ranks! ;)

I love cruise ships.


Fly Navy said:
Attention on deck! We have an Admiral in our ranks! ;)
I love cruise ships.

Stand at ease, smoke 'em if you got 'em ... no need to salute, I'll be in the area all day ...

Oh, and cruise ships??? I love 'em, too.



I thought that was the recline!
A-4's Avatar

A-4's, I'm assuming your avatar is the X you're trying to pawn off on us? If not, I'm sticking both boots in my mouth now...


Mayday said:
A-4's, I'm assuming your avatar is the X you're trying to pawn off on us? If not, I'm sticking both boots in my mouth now...
Then you better make sure your boots are clean ... Naaaaa, that's not the "X" .... this is:


The avatar pix? Like I told "metro", it's me ... I'm just trying to get in touch with my feminine side ... Doctor said it was good for me. :icon_woma


FERS and TSP contributor!
The best place to hide booze in Officer's Country... the fire extinguishers - 1/2 water and either rum or whiskey usually. Rum because , well, Naval Tradition. Whiskey because it didn't react with the metal liner of the fire extinguisher and tasted ok even 3 months into the cruise!


...And sometimes we didn't hide it very well ...

After one long 12 hour day on the platform -- @ 0100 with all recoveries and squadron debriefs done -- four of us LSO's repaired to a rather out-of-the-way stateroom with plates of MIDRATS sandwiches to continue "our debrief". Quietly laughing and scratching with our fortified "orange juice" night caps , we were interrupted by a very loud "BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM !!" knock at the door ....

The fool nearest the door dutifully opened it; guilt and reflex action, I guess --- WHAT WAS HE THINKING, anyway (!?!) --- that's right, he wasn't --- and there in the dimly-lit passageway stood all 6'2" of CAG -- glowering down at the four LSO's caught like the mice that we were with cheese all over our whiskers ....

CAG thundered: "YOU GUYS ARE IN A HELLUVA LOT OF TROUBLE ...unless I get a drink in my hand, right now !!" To which four "orange juices" were immediately offered as CAG stepped forward into the stateroom, big smile on his face, closing the hatch behind him .... thankfully, CAG was the "Bossier City Bearcat", a MiG Master, one of the "Old School Navy" and a good guy ...


FOSTER S. "TOOTER" TEAGUE: 21 Nov. 1934 -- 29 Aug. 1998 ---- Fair Winds and Following Seas, shipmate ...



F U Nugget
I just realized that A4's and some other salts have some of the best sea stories... stories that in today's Navy would be squashed as soon as they popped up, career enders, all of them!

Keep up the good work!


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Picture if you will the night before WOG night myself and another aviator who will remain nameless are getting our swerve on with some of the Harrier guys who will also remain nameless three shots and got knows how mant "bug juice" and vodkas later I retire to my room intent on doing my WOG time the next day since I had spent most of my career shore based when the first named aviator burst inot the room and says">>>>>>>> hey lets go f@ck wiht WOGs" I inform hi that he is in fact a WOG and I in all good fun will dime him out in a heartbeat. So we hatch the plan to go be WOGS but since we in our drunken stupor have overslpet we cant find the WOG ceremony in progress so we sander the passages of USS Boat aimlessly
Unable to find a haze session my friend who is a rather lat=rge and strong example of Marine Offcier and still three sheets to wind sees a 98 pound sailor walk by with a homemade t shirt reading "WOG destroyer" Well SNM takes offense to this and while putting the poor sailor against a wall informs him that SNM is in fact a lowly wog and challenges said named sailor to initiate him. At this point my mind starts working and I grab SNM (no small feat by the way) and drag him back to our stateroom thus ending our participation but not our careers.

This stuff still happens, its just gets more ugly if the brass shows up than it did for A4s.

By the way Im still a nasty WOG but I have a cool story


Glutton for Punishment
Hot Damn A4s I just fell in love with you.. hows that for don't ask don't tell.
You talk about the Navy I want to be in.
Instead I get stuck with 7 year chiefs, stress cards in training, sensitivity training, DIs that don't cuss, auto carrier landings, and down sizing.
What a let down.
Oh well here is to the Salty Sea Dogs.


Super *********
Super Moderator
A4sForever said:
...And sometimes we didn't hide it very well ...

After one long 12 hour day on the platform -- @ 0100 with all recoveries and squadron debriefs done -- four of us LSO's repaired to a rather out-of-the-way stateroom with plates of MIDRATS sandwiches to continue "our debrief". Quietly laughing and scratching with our fortified "orange juice" night caps , we were interrupted by a very loud "BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM !!" knock at the door ....

The fool nearest the door dutifully opened it; guilt and reflex action, I guess --- WHAT WAS HE THINKING, anyway (!?!) --- that's right, he wasn't --- and there in the dimly-lit passageway stood all 6'2" of CAG -- glowering down at the four LSO's caught like the mice that we were with cheese all over our whiskers ....

CAG thundered: "YOU GUYS ARE IN A HELLUVA LOT OF TROUBLE ...unless I get a drink in my hand, right now !!" To which four "orange juices" were immediately offered as CAG stepped forward into the stateroom, big smile on his face, closing the hatch behind him .... thankfully, CAG was the "Bossier City Bearcat", a MiG Master, one of the "Old School Navy" and a good guy ...


FOSTER S. "TOOTER" TEAGUE: 21 Nov. 1934 -- 29 Aug. 1998 ---- Fair Winds and Following Seas, shipmate ...

Now that's a good story. Teague was your CAG? Now that's a naval aviator legend.

Just so everyone knows, I can play nice :)
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