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I'm wondering if anyone knows how I can get official and accurate info on vision requirements for Navy pilots. I am in the process of applying for an officer/pilot slot through BDCP and was recently told (at an aviation physical exam) that my vision is 20/40R and 20/50L. (correctable to 20/20) I've heard that to even get a chance at flying you have to have min 20/40 uncorrected and be correctable to 20/20. I'm wondering if this is true and exactly when those standards apply? Do I have to meet these vision requirements to be accepted into BDCP? to be commissioned? or before getting my wings? or all three?
I'm planning on getting another opinion on my eyes since just this past summer an eye dr. told me I had about 20/30 in both eyes.....I guess I'm just wondering if my vision continues to deteriorate, even after acceptance to BDCP, will I still be able to fly?
Any info anyone has on an official answer to these questions would be greatly appreciated, or if anyone has contact info of someone who could answer my questions please send it my way!!
Thanks for your help!
I'm planning on getting another opinion on my eyes since just this past summer an eye dr. told me I had about 20/30 in both eyes.....I guess I'm just wondering if my vision continues to deteriorate, even after acceptance to BDCP, will I still be able to fly?
Any info anyone has on an official answer to these questions would be greatly appreciated, or if anyone has contact info of someone who could answer my questions please send it my way!!
Thanks for your help!