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Teachers packing heat?


it’s just malfeasance for malfeasance’s sake
Ran across this story and thought it was kind of interesting. I can see some really strong cases for both sides of the debate. I've often thought that if I were a teacher I'd like to have a weapon handy, but at the same time, I'm not sure I would want some of the teachers I've had to have them.


I think some of the points/arguments in the article are bogus. It seems that she has the law on her side in Oregon.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
The argument is more about her protection from a crazy ex than about gun control.


Airborne All the Way!!!
My dad taught history for 27 years at Carter High School in Dallas. During those 27 years he had 3 incidents with students in which the student was armed with either a pistol or a knife. Thankfully, my father was able to handle the situations and no one was ever hurt.

While I support concealed carry laws, in my opinion the school environment is in some ways similar to that of a prison and you don't want a firearm brought into the general population of either one.


Well-Known Member
While I support concealed carry laws, in my opinion the school environment is in some ways similar to that of a prison and you don't want a firearm brought into the general population of either one.

Yeah but you dont get near the outcry when a prisoner goes on a rampage and kills 14 people before Police are able to respond because nobody in the prison had the training or ability to stop the threat.


That a tough one ... as I can make a case for either option. It depends on a lot of things ..... but what a sad commentary that we even have to consider things such as the need for personal protection in today's schools.

In this lady's case (the teacher), I only know a restraining order has never saved anyone's life from the miscreant bent on doing physical violence to you .....


Airborne All the Way!!!
Yeah but you dont get near the outcry when a prisoner goes on a rampage and kills 14 people before Police are able to respond because nobody in the prison had the training or ability to stop the threat.

I might even give the guy a medal if the 14 people he manages to kill are all child molesters.


Well-Known Member

In this lady's case (the teacher), I only know a restraining order has never saved anyone's life from the miscreant bent on doing physical violence to you .....

Restraining orders, at best, are a feel good measure.

At worst, they are a harassment/scarlet letter that is abused.


I have a feeling most teachers would refuse to carry a pistol.
To carry or not to carry ????? That is the question ....

You don't "feel" most teachers would "carry"??? Now, why is that .... ???? What do you base your "feeling" on ... ???

Or ... is it just kinda a NYC 'feeling' .... ???? :)

Since you appear to be from New York, according to your profile ( I have not checked your IP for veracity, but I will when I find the time) .... do you know who "Big Tim" Sullivan was ..... do you know what the "Sullivan Act" was all about???? It's origin and "rationale" ... ???

Do you know the origin of the draconian "New York" gun laws ... ??? :confused:


I'm not dead yet....
I have a feeling most teachers would refuse to carry a pistol.

I had a physics teacher in high school that said if a shooter ever came into the school she'd go out to her car, parked twenty feet from her classroom door and get her .357. I've since actually seen her shoot it at a range and have very little doubt she could put rounds on target if she had too. Nice old lady too.

Most of the teachers I had, with the exception of the history teacher that was a retired Gunny and the afore mentioned physics teacher, I probably would not want carrying at school.


Here's a scenario. Since our favorite terrorists have already said they plan on doing this...You drop your little ones off at preschool at 0900. Hug, kiss, "I love you. See you in a couple hours."

Soon afterwards, 3-4 terrorists waltz right in the front door, heavily armed. Maybe they cut the head off a 2 year old and throw it out into the parking lot to get the local media hopping. The teachers are killed immediately and they now have 20 to 30 little boys and girls who will eventually be dead. The terrorists have no grand illusions about pulling out of this alive, but they must make sure to get their actions captured on video for later viewing by all. Maybe this happens at several locations simultaneously. How tough would it be? A walk in the park.

At this point, even if some of the teachers were armed, it would be near impossible to prevent.

Doom and gloom I know, but unfortunately, we have a long ugly road ahead of us.

My $2.00 worth.


I'm not dead yet....
^^^^ Sounds like something out of a certain Tom Clancy book. I agree that against a determined and well armed enemy, joe blow with a concealed weapons permit will probably do little good. But I can see where a few teachers with guns could have ultimately lessened the cost in lives of an event like Columbine or Virginia Tech.

I also think they shouldn't just be teachers with concealed weapons permits but actually have more extensive training from something like a local police or sheriff's office so that when the uniformed cops do show up the armed teacher isn't confused with one of the gunmen.


Active Member
I have a feeling most teachers would refuse to carry a pistol.

I'm also from NY (Westchester Cty) and of the same opinion... for most teachers I met from my area. 90% ranged from bleeding heart liberals to hippies/pacifists to borderline communists. The only real gun advocate in the school was the librarian who we affectionately referred to as Conan the Librarian (in a past life he was a body builder). He was known to write editorials to local papers on gun rights and was an active member of the NRA.

Anyway, as for my opinion on the discussion at hand. A teachers job should be protect their class and ensure their pupils make it to safety. Running off to combat the threat should be secondary. We had unarmed security guards roaming our halls. They were glorified hall monitors more than anything else. If anyone, they should be the ones who are armed. Even then, it would be tough for them to make an effective resistance without having a good amount of coordination. Having a full blown gun fight in a school with lots of people around would be extraordinarily hazardous. Richochets going both directions could do much more harm than good. If anything, they should seek to contain and limit the perpetrators from doing anymore harm.

As for this actual case, if she fears for her life from her ex, let her carry a weapon if she deems it to be the appropriate measure. A weapon carried by a person who has the proper training is a threat to no one but the bad guys. The school should be doing a better job to take care of its own.


Well-Known Member
Here's a scenario. Since our favorite terrorists have already said they plan on doing this...You drop your little ones off at preschool at 0900. Hug, kiss, "I love you. See you in a couple hours."

Soon afterwards, 3-4 terrorists waltz right in the front door, heavily armed. Maybe they cut the head off a 2 year old and throw it out into the parking lot to get the local media hopping. The teachers are killed immediately and they now have 20 to 30 little boys and girls who will eventually be dead. The terrorists have no grand illusions about pulling out of this alive, but they must make sure to get their actions captured on video for later viewing by all. Maybe this happens at several locations simultaneously. How tough would it be? A walk in the park.

At this point, even if some of the teachers were armed, it would be near impossible to prevent.

Doom and gloom I know, but unfortunately, we have a long ugly road ahead of us.

My $2.00 worth.

Yeah but about the only place an attack like that wouldnt work the way they wanted would be a full out assult on a Police Station or a gun store. And even then its likely to be "messy."

Ive made no illusions about when Im carrying at the bank or a store that if its me vs 4+ individuals packing anything heavier then a couple pistols me trying to win that fight with 17 rounds of 9mm is going to at best drive them away in a hail of gunfire and at worst get myself or somebody else killed. Still Id like to have the option.