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Switching Classes from OCC 200 to OCC 201


New Member
I am currently a candidate for OCC 200, I have been contracted but not yet selected. I wanted to move from attending OCC 200 to OCC 201 because I want to finish out my last semester of school left for my Master Degree.

I talked to the Sgt at the OSO office today and was told that switching from OCC 200 to OCC 201 would result in a disenrollment waiver and the chance that I could be denied my AIR contract for OCC 201. I was told that having waivers will decrease my chances of enrollment.
I do not have any drug/criminal/legal problems and have two waivers for tattoos (one is the EGA) which follows current regulations for PT gear.

I want to know if the disenrollement(if there is such a thing) waiver will affect my chances of applying again or would my Air Contract be actually denied for the next OCC 201 class (my ASTB score is only 6/6/6)?

Any advice/suggestion would be appreciated.


New Member
Sounds to me like you need to talk to the OSO not the Sgt that works for the OSO. Not saying anything bad about the Sgt, but you need to consider that it is the OSO that is the one who is in contact with the people on the board. I know when I went through I contracted for OCC 192 and 193, and was slected for 193 for a ground contract because the summer class are typically more difficult to get into with the amount of people who attend the summer OCC. If it helps I had a 6/6/6 as well, with a tattoo waiver (I applied for an Air contract, got a ground contract, and got my Air contract at TBS). One last thing to think about is the needs for Officers might change after Obama takes office with talks of decreased defense budget...



I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
I think what the Sgt is saying is that basically you have your air contract now to OCC 200. IOT get you into OCC 201 you would have to drop that contract and try for another one with a disenrollment waiver. It might mean having to go to another board and that air contract might not be available the next time around.

Lots of people get various waivers as I'm sure you know. I doubt it will be a deal breaker by itself but I'm willing to bet that the Sgt just wants you to know that there is the possibility.

Like Matt said, talk to your OSO and get the word from him. Good luck.



SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
If it comes down to it just remember...

You can always go to a semester of college, anytime. You might not get an air (or any) contract ever again. I realize that you're just looking into all possible options. But do some hard thinking about it once you get the facts because if they ask you which way you want to go, thats a response that you'll want to have well thought out. It all comes down to how bad you want it.


New Member
Thank you for your advice

I thought long and hard about my decision and then informed my OSO today that I am going to postpone my selection to OCC 201. It really came down to two things: Finishing School and getting better physically.
Finishing School: I really have only two more classes left for me to finish my degree and if I postponed that, I might not have the time or impetus to come back to it. I know once I go to OCS, there is going to myriad of schools right after that is going to keep me busy for a few years and I might not have the drive to come back to academia.
Getting better physically: I am doing good right about a 270-280 PFT but of late I had some persistent knee pain, dont know if it is the result of pushing too hard too fast or increased mileage on paved roads. But I know that when I go to OCS, I want to feel like I could take anything that is coming my way instead of fearing if I might get hurt or something.
I am not too worried about losing my air contract (lets hope not) because I really want first and foremost to be a Marine Officer more than anything and OCC is definitely in my future.
I want thank everybody for their opinion/advice because it helped me analyze my decision better.