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Georgia Boy

New Member
DI's can RPT (beat) you. "Remedial Physical Training" is just that. It's PT. IE: pushups until your arms are jello and beyond, bends and thrusts until someone cries, 8 count body-builders until someone turns into a tomato and passes out. They can grab you and manhandle you a bit (ie: if you are not positioned properly, they may grab you by your shirt and shove you where you're supposed to be), but they are not allowed to strike you. Believe me, it's stressful enough without the actual physical striking. And, as I understand it, the ass-beatings will eventually come (a la SERE).

What is SERE? Please enlighten.

Georgia Boy

New Member
A question for recent OCS graduates

Can someone describe the exact form for pushups so that I can make sure that I am using the correct form during training? One question is, do you look down at ground or straight forward? Thanks.


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
SERE = Survival Evasion Resistance Escape. Level C Code of Conduct training for high risk of capture personnel.

No one will discuss mechanics of said course here.
Pushups are done looking straight forward. Anything else is wrong. There is no requirement during the PRT to look forward or down.
Note: I know near nothing about OCS.


what percent of RL officers get jets?
wats up ken, wats up skim.

skim, be sure to say bye before you head out to me too. time flies huh? still remember you coming up to me in the head after my first week and saying "shotcalla, this is skim." gonna miss you sir ;) i'll be out of here in no time as well.


what percent of RL officers get jets?
Easy, I put that much on too. It's a combination of more muscle mass and the freaking god-awful food the feed you. If you're class has the option of having powerbars that just adds to the terrible food in your system.

Morgan got it on the dot... i came in good shape at 5'10" 160... first 4 weeks, I probably lost about 5 pounds but after RLP I easily put on the 5 pounds i initially lost AND 10 more pounds from chow hall (it's ALOT of food for someone like me... lots of carbs), less beatings, powerbar priviledges, etc...) I literally try my hardest to not eat alot at chow because last thing I want to do is come out of OCS in worse shape than I came in (which I am right now)... don't get me wrong, i'm definitely stronger (improved in every category of PFA) but I look like shit haha.


He bowls overhand.
I think, and hope, you mean recounted.
Yea. Oops.

Btw, I'm not talking about a little shaking. The sgt gave him quite a few bloody lips and noses. There's an old adage in martial arts that once you reach a certain level, there is no such thing as an accident.


He bowls overhand.
Can someone describe the exact form for pushups so that I can make sure that I am using the correct form during training? One question is, do you look down at ground or straight forward? Thanks.
I am not an OCS graduate, but have been instructed on the proper form by one last week:

Pushups are to be done with "knife hands;" that is, all fingers and your thumb must be touching. Same goes for when the DI tells you to do diamond pushups -- hands must be knife hands (which is hard on the wrists, but oh well). You are NOT allowed to reposition your hands once they hit the floor (Navy PFA rules normally allow you to reposition hands by sliding them so you can rest more comfortably in the up position). Your face must be looking forward at all times. Your elbows must make a 90 degree angle for a pushup to count as a rep. To accomplish this most efficiently, space your hands so that they are slightly more than shoulder-width apart.

This position is extremely uncomfortable, which is my guess why they have you do them that way.

The pushups at the Navy PRT website are correct for your bi-yearly PFA and are good enough for your application PRT, but the rules change at OCS.


Well-Known Member
No arching your back to rest, feet together, back straight, knife hands and your elbows must break the plane of your back.