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Stay off our ranges.


Solidly part of the 42%.
If I were going to joyride on ranges I would probably carry a map and a radio set to the range control freq. ORM ya know. Now the UXO...no ORMing that.


Active Member
Few years back on Camp Pendleton at one of our heavy machine gun ranges we had some illegal aliens that had crossed over from Mexico find themselves on the base ranges, probably at night time, since they decided to hole up in a gutted tracker that was sitting on the range....only to be woken up the next morning by .50 cal when some Marines opened up on the tracker as a target. Ended up killing one of them or something like that, and border patrol quickly picked up the remaining after the Marines got some good ADOT out of them.


Registered User
Your post reminds me of the time during some operation like Greenlight (1961) or some such when the amphib assault on the beach near Onofre caused about a million illegals to toss their hands in the air thinking the entire USMC was after their asses. God they had to get a half dozen busses to transport them back to Tiajuana. (yes I know a million is a big number but they were small illegals) A LOT of scared illegals on that one!
Semper Fi