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Sta 2005?

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Registered User
Can you select your own board?

I put together a package for the first time this cycle after missing last years because of old ACT scores. Many of my senior enlisted at the command honestly thought I was a sure bet for this cycle, but when results came out... nothing. In reviewing my package with my Senior Chiefs and Master Chiefs, two things really stood out: this was my first application, that I was applying from a non-aviation training pipeline for the Pilot option.

I was advised that because all of my interviews were with O-3 Nuclear Officers, ther board didn't likely lend as much weight to my interviews. I was also advised that next cycle "I" could select members for my interview, and that I should seek out >O-4 pilots, and if possible prior enlisted pilots. Is there any truth to this information.

Finally, I feel like I'm facing an insurmountable challenge by not only applying from a training pipeline (though I have over 2 years in the Navy now), but I'm now also 26 and applying to Pilot w/ a waiver for time in service. Is there anything I can do to improve my chances or further demonstrate my commitment to wanting to fly Navy?


Smiling like I mean it
maronism said:
Finally, I feel like I'm facing an insurmountable challenge by not only applying from a training pipeline (though I have over 2 years in the Navy now)

Actually, there is a high acceptance rate from the Nuke pipeline, and not just for Nuke officers. I'd think that was in your favor.


Well, not anymore... :(
maronism said:
I was advised that because all of my interviews were with O-3 Nuclear Officers, ther board didn't likely lend as much weight to my interviews. I was also advised that next cycle "I" could select members for my interview, and that I should seek out >O-4 pilots, and if possible prior enlisted pilots. Is there any truth to this information.
I don't know about selecting your own interviewers, but I don't think that's true. I could be wrong, perhaps someone can give some better insight on this.
But as far as the community of your interviewers affecting your selection to pilot--let me make a few points here: First of all, the two most important things that carry the most weight (and these are the majority of the weight of your package) are 1) your CO's interview, and 2) your enlisted performance. Everything else is merely corollary. The biggest influence your 3-officer board has is in your CO's recommendation. The CO take the comments and input from these officers to get a better "big picture" of who you are, and why (and at what ranking) he should or should not recommend you. That's it. This is what my CO actually told me during my interview with him. The STA-21 board will definitely look at them, but ultimately, they rely on your CO's final word, and how high he ranked you. So the 3-O board is certainly important, it's just not what the board will base their final decision on. So the community that the 3-O's belong to makes little difference, especially at the command you're at. (The big exceptions are Nurse option and Supply Corps--they require at least one "in-community" officer). Yes, the instruction "recommends" that they be from the community you're applying for, but since the Nuke training pipeline has, by far, the highest selection rate into ALL STA-21 options, and pretty much 99% of the interviewing officers are nukes, this tells you something about that.
The second most important factor is your enlisted performance and experience. This doesn't mean longevity or time in service, it just means how well you've done, and how much you've stood out, in the time you've been in. They take into account the training pipeline you're in, and guage your performance accordingly. So if you've consistenly been at the top of your class, have always put in the extra effort (i.e. putting in lots o' study hours, even if you've been on Voluntary), then this looks really good for you.
maronism said:
Finally, I feel like I'm facing an insurmountable challenge by not only applying from a training pipeline (though I have over 2 years in the Navy now), but I'm now also 26 and applying to Pilot w/ a waiver for time in service.
As NukeWife said, the NPTC/NPTU pipeline has the absolute highest selection rate in terms of percentage of applicants selected of any major command in the Navy. This includes both the students and the staff. So don't let the fact that you're in the training pipeline discourage you. As I alluded to above, since you haven't been in as long as many of the other applicants, you can still shine by performing above and beyond what's expected of you. This applies to students, as well as fleet sailors. And age?...pffft. I'm going on 30, still got a year and a half before gradgiation, and I got picked up NFO (from NPTU, no less!). Don't sweat that too much.
maronism said:
Is there anything I can do to improve my chances or further demonstrate my commitment to wanting to fly Navy?
Absolutely--work HARDER than all the other students, make yourself known (by standing out in a positive way), and ensure that your chain of command knows your intentions--that is that you REALLY REALLY want STA-21 next year. If they see you working your a$$ off, and they know that you have a solid goal, and what that goal is, then your reputation will be VERY positive, and your recommendations will shine. Actual grades don't matter as much (although they always will to some extent) if you show by your level of effort that you're trying. Trust me. I was staff at NPTU, and I know how we guage our students, and what is required for them to be competitive for STA-21.
Finally, don't be discourage for your non-selection this year. You're still young (26 is NOT old!), and so is your career.
And if you're still worried about applying for pilot from the nuke pipeline, or about the community of your 3-O's, apply for Core! You can choose pilot later!
Good luck!


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
maronism said:
Finally, I feel like I'm facing an insurmountable challenge by not only applying from a training pipeline (though I have over 2 years in the Navy now), but I'm now also 26 and applying to Pilot w/ a waiver for time in service. Is there anything I can do to improve my chances or further demonstrate my commitment to wanting to fly Navy?

Ok, not trying to discourage you here. But, have you done the month to month calculations from what will be your 27th birthday regarding the waiver? What I mean is you are allowed a maximum waiver of 48 months beyond your 27th birthday for pilot. Now I'm not sure if it has to be 48 months of service prior to your 27th or if the service after will also count. If it counts after the 27th as well then you should be okay. Because you will still be enlisted while in the STA-21 program and if that time counts then all is well. It's just something I would make sure of.

I will have 9 years of active service on my 27th birthday so I can cover all 48 months with out a problem. But if I only had 3 then I would come a year short of covering the full waiver. However if the time in the STA-21 program counts for the waiver then you can make up the last year of the waiver in your first year of the STA-21 program. I think this all makes sense but I'm on the midwatch and not everything will always make sense during this timeframe....
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