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should I retake the ASTB?


C130 girl
I just took the exam yesterday. Got 7/7/6 and 62. I was disapointed when I saw the results (I did amazing on the AFOQT), but my recruiter kept saying that I did really well and that my scores are very competitive.

Here are my other stats:
E-5 in the Air Force Reserves and have Veteran status due to a deployment last year.
Will have LOR's from O-6 and O-5.
Current job is as an engineer for aerospace company.
Numerous leadership roles in college.
15 hours towards private pilot

And here's where my hesitation lies:
2.9 GPA in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.

Are my scores competitive enough or should I retake the test?


Well-Known Member
I think you have great results and do not need to retake. Trust your recruiter.


I'd say your scores are pretty solid, especially the OAR. Unless you're sure you would score better the second time around, I would see what the board thinks of them.

And I wouldn't worry too much about your GPA considering its a technical major.

My GPA is similar to yours, although I was a political science major, and my OSO said I'd be good to go. Though I'm assuming you're going Navy and not USMC?


Below Ladder
My GPA was similar to yours and I got picked up with no prior service and LoRs from employers and a professor. My ASTB scores were 8/7/8 69, but I think you have a competitive package.

If you don't get picked up you can always retake it.


I'm right there with you on the score... I was told it was a very good score by my recruiter... and from looking on this site, I think you and I should be OK. Good luck...


Well-Known Member
If you still need another vote of confidence, you have mine. The GPA will be offset by the fact your major is technical. I say go for it.


New Member
what would you guys say to a similar astb score and a very slightly higher gpa, but for a non-technical major?


what would you guys say to a similar astb score and a very slightly higher gpa, but for a non-technical major?

I'd say go ahead an apply. If you don't get picked up, you can always re-take it to strengthen your application.

In other words, why waste the time and effort to make something better when it might already be good enough.


New Member
Should I retake?

Great stuff guys... I just took the ASTB on Saturday and scored 53/7/8/8 and wondering if I should retake it? I am applying for Pilot. I saw that the avg for Pilot was 58/7/7/7. My recruiter said he would send my package, but I could retake if I wanted to. Any advice? I am pretty sure I can do better, especially with a month more to prepare. I am not sure what section or sections I did poorly on since they can't tell you that. It appears my Nautical/Aviation & Spatial sections were good. I wish I could have some insight into which section that makes up the OAR needs work. Maybe I should just focus on all three.



Registered User
IIRC the OAR is all math, verbal, and mechanical...when I walked out I was pretty sure I lost all my OAR points off the mechanical.


Well-Known Member
Great stuff guys... I just took the ASTB on Saturday and scored 53/7/8/8 and wondering if I should retake it? I am applying for Pilot. I saw that the avg for Pilot was 58/7/7/7. My recruiter said he would send my package, but I could retake if I wanted to. Any advice? I am pretty sure I can do better, especially with a month more to prepare. I am not sure what section or sections I did poorly on since they can't tell you that. It appears my Nautical/Aviation & Spatial sections were good. I wish I could have some insight into which section that makes up the OAR needs work. Maybe I should just focus on all three.

I think you have good enough scores. Beware on the retake, you could do worse and be stuck with the scores. Your overall application is a big picture and not just a standardized test score. What are the rest of your stats?


New Member
Thanks Guys,

I recently earned my masters from Boston University in Computer Information Systems and finished with a 3.5 GPA. I have No prior enlistment and I have 6 LOR's (one from a state representative) which are all really good. I also have no hours towards a PPL. Did I miss anything?
