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Sagittarius A Simulation


Registered User
So a few days ago the Event Horizon Telescope released a new black hole image, this time of the one at the center of our galaxy, Sagittarius A. The first one was a ginormous black hole 55 million light years away called M87, at the center of the galaxy Mercier 87. Here are their pictures:



Sagittarius A


Now these images are revealing, but also not quite, as one still wonders, "Yeah, very nice and amazing technical accomplishment, but what does it look like up close and personal???" Well a few years back, a team working with the EHT made a very realistic simulation of what they believed Sagittarius A actually looks like in person (if you will). What I find amazing is that this simulation was made ***BEFORE*** the M87 image was released, yet it really looks like a close-up version of what we are probably looking at from a distance with these images. So this simulation was not made to fit the actual black hole images that have been released. The team said it also corrects for the mistakes in gas dynamics made in the portrayal of a black hole in the movie "Interstellar":



New Member
You need to have models of what you think you’re looking at ahead of time in order to train the machine learning algos that fill spatial and temporal gaps


Registered User
I posted it because I know certain people here are space enthusiasts, and also it's a forum of pilots, usually thought of as an adventuresome bunch who might be interested in such things.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
I posted it because I know certain people here are space enthusiasts, and also it's a forum of pilots, usually thought of as an adventuresome bunch who might be interested in such things.
I know…just having some fun.