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New Member
I'm in the process of filling out a bdcp application and have came to the references/letters of recommendation part and am a bit confused. First off, on the application, the section for employment says to list all employers from the last 3 years, and gives room for 5 employers. My recruiter said I need 3 references, but 5 are preferred. I have had 5 different employers that I can put in the application. I was wondering will they send reference letters to all 5? I would prefer to have 3 sent to employers, 1 sent to a college professor, and 1 sent to a high school coach if this is possible (for better character references). I hear of people getting 'letters of recommendations'- are these if people don't have at least 3 employer references, or are they something that employers do in addition to give you a reference?


Registered User
if you have worked five different places within the last three years then put the five different places.

references are people they may contact to ask them questions about you.

LOR's are from people that feel you have what it takes to serve as an officer in the military. Why they feel that you are a good candidate for the job. I would think that you would supply them with your package.


UO Future Pork Chop
Go ahead and put all five down, and even if they all send references, you can use letters of recommendations from Profs and your high school coach.

The bottom line is that you need three references, total, with any combination from employers and other letters of recommendation. The employers' references will be taken care of by your NRD, and you will have to get the LORs from your people.

Ask your recruiter, but if an employer writes a not-so-flattering reference, you shouldn't have to use it in your package.


New Member
My recruiter has told me to fill out all 5 employers on the application, then put the 2 character references that I want to use in a word doc. Both of these documents are then sent to a processor that sends out reference forms to the employers and character references. I am not worried about what a past employer will say about me, its just that he is a deadbeat and I don't think he will understand what it is that I am applying for and write something off-the-wall. Is it possible to pick which ones you want the processors to send them too, and send the processor the addresses that you believe you will get reliable feedback on?