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Recent Changes to PRK Waiver Req's?


I'm consistently being told by HQ that my Pre-Op PRK vision- 20/100 uncorrected, -3.5 diopters of (SE) refractive error- was not good enough to qualify for the PRK waiver for SNA despite the fact that my vision is perfect now. They're stating a number of -3.0 to +3.0 diopters of pre-op refractive error whereas all the aeromedical waiver guides I have found state that is -8.0 to +3.0 diopters. Was there some recent update to the waivers? I went ahead and sent them up the current waiver guide that I accessed via the NAMI website but I'm still waiting on a reply. Any ideas here?


I have to assume that's the issue, when I sent the waiver document up to my AAOP he said I had a point and that what they were looking at didn't agree so they're reviewing it. I would think a change that drastic to the waiver requirements would have stirred up more attention on here or elsewhere.