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Quick minor app questions...

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Interplanetary Ambassador
I would call my recruiter with these questions, but its after office hours here:

Do the teachers who write my letters of recommendation give them to me to send (how would I do that?) or are they supposed to send them directly to the recruiting station?
About transcripts, same question: Do I have my school to send them, or do I?

Dumb questions, I know, but I need to know (knee deep into the application online--I'm a junior and want to get my app in for the first board in August). Thanks!


Registered User
I'm a junior also, and just finished the hold app for the same reason.....the August board. My recruiter sent my math and english teacher the recommendation forms to fill out as soon as their info was put in my app online, even before I had even finshed the app. They filled them out and sent them directly back to my recruiter. ( I would also give you teachers a resume) As far as the transcript goes, the school will send that also, but you need to arrange for that to happen at the end of the year because they want 3 full years. You also need to have who ever sends you transcript fill out the transcript form that is on the website and have them send that with your transcript. Good Luck, the interview is not bad, its just a pain to make sure that everything gets where it should be.



Interplanetary Ambassador
Ok, so I just input the names/addresses of my recommenders into my application online, the Navy will automatically send them instructions on how to send back their letter?
Will the Navy contact my school to get them to send the transcript, or do I have my school do that without prompting from Navy first? (addresses of stations?)?

Thanks for the help, good luck to you too.


Registered User
I am hoping you guys talked to officer recruiters, I was wondering how you found the one in your area, I am trying for the Marine option and on the Marines site you have to be 18 to get that info...


Supply Officer

Call up any ROTC unit and talk to the marine officer instructor (MOI). He should be able to answer any question you might have about joining, scholarships, requirements, etc. (That is -- if you are still looking for answers).


Registered User
Oh of course, I have gained alot through these boarda mil.com etc. however, nothing beats meeting first hand with someone. Plus I am unsure either Marine Corps or Army so I need to speak with both on the subject.


Registered User
As far as Navy Option, after you finish the online app, they give you the contact info for your recruiter.....i dont know about the marines. I would also suggest calling your recruiters to follow threw with everything.....it is the government, things do get misplaced.


Interplanetary Ambassador
Yeah, same here, I'm about halfway through my Navy option ROTC (online) application, and as soon as I put down my phone number and email address, they were all over me, and I've got a 'phone interview' scheduled for tomorrow...and I still haven't sent my final online application in yet (essays...).
But as bigspy says, calling your guy won't hurt at all.
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