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Questions about BDCP


Registered User
I recently talked to a recruiter about joining the navy and he brought up the BDCP and now im in the process of completing the application..a daunting task to say the least. I have always been interested in going to the FBI, CIA, NSA etc and going into the world on intel in the navy seems like a great route to get to my ultimate goal. Well something I am worrying about is the weight of my letters or rec. I was wondering if letters from military officials weigh more then those say from professors because I do not personally know anyone in the armed forces and the people who know me best are those from school. That seems to be the only question that comes to mind, I had alot more but they have slipped my mind. I am sure that once I get deeper into whole process I will have more questions. I look forward to what people have to say, my friend lives by these forums, he said they were great help when he was filling out his application. Now he is waiting for final select as a pilot.


Get recommendations from people who actually know you and can give you a good endorsement. I got accepted (back in '02) with only one LOR from my boss from an internship. An LOR from someone in the military isn't a requirement.


Well-Known Member
Are any of your professors prior military? If so, you could kill two birds with one stone....


not missing sand
Super Moderator
LORs are supposed to be from people who can attest to your work ethic, character, etc. I didn't know anyone military who could write a letter for me and I don't think it hurt me at all. The point is that your letters reflect who you are, and that's only going to be possible if the person writing the letter really knows you.


HSM Pilot
I was accepted (OCS) without any military LORs. If you have never worked closely with anyone in the military, there is nothing you can do about it, so I wouldn't worry.

BTW, I am not discouraging you from Navy intel, but if you ultimate goal is to join the FBI, NSA, CIA, why not just do that instead? The FBI and NSA app process is not any more challenging than the Navy. I know because I applied with the FBI, and a college roommate of mine works for No Such Agency (no idea about CIA). If it is just a matter of college money, there are lots of ways to round up scholarship money.

If you are interested in Navy intel for its own sake, go for it. Many of my OCS classmates were intel. IMO, Intel is probably close to being almost as cool as aviation.