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Question? Need Advice


Registered User
This is a question about drug use. I have used steroids but I truly didn't think they were illegal (go ahead and make of fun of me for being stupid). So I told the MEPS that I haven't used illegal drugs but I was reading a forum and then did some research and I am finding out they are. So my question is how do I handle this situation. I don't want to lie about anything but confused to how to handle this situation.


Tell your recruiter, and try to go back and explain the situation. This may or may not DQ you because from what I (think I) remember, pot is pretty much the only drug you could have done. Ecstasy and Crack are off limits.


I'm not driving fast, I'm flying low
Just remember: almost anything is waiverable. The issue at hand is that the vast majority of drug statements I have filled out for the Navy (and there were alot of them...) stated "including anabolic steroids". I'm pulling this out of my memory, but I'm pretty sure both the application for commission and the MEPS prescreening had this statement.

So yes, call your recruiter and explain your situation. He'll either know or find out right away exactly what you need to do. I hope things work out for you.


Registered User
I thank you for your assistance and I will talk with my recruiter. I don't ever remember seeing those statements but it doesn't mean they were not there. The app I filled out for the Navy said have you done any drugs in the last 7 yrs and the answer is no, but MEPS asked if you ever did any at all and when I answered that I truly thought I was being honest and now I will go back and talk to my recruiter on what to do.