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OCC 186 Bound
Hi all, this is my first time posting here and I have a few questions. when I submit my package next month, what is the approximate time for me to receive an answer? how competitive are things right now? I'm looking to get a pilot slot for next summer and wanted to know what gpa is considered competitive right now? do they place an emphasis on any one area of your package, or do they truly look at the whole person concept? sorry for all the questions. thanx in advance


Registered User

I was just recently picked up for NFO. It usually takes 4-6 weeks (per OPO) and it took about 6 weeks for my selection. I've seen lots of posts with GPAs from 2.5 to 3.7. I had a 3.6, but I also have a political science degree. A lot of applicants have tech degrees. Concentrate on making your package well-rounded. The Navy is looking for leadership potential too, not just book smarts. So a few extracurricular activities will always help. The board looks at your whole application. Make sure your motivational statement is absent of any bad grammar or spelling mistakes. It's all in the details!
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