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Registered User
I'm prior enlisted, got out and got my degree, and now applying to OCS? I want to go straight to BUD/S after OCS but I know the billets are limited for civilian OCS BUD/S Candidates (which is how I would be classified). Does anyone know how many billets per year are available of this kind (Only respond if you KNOW, anyone can b.s. an answer), or would I have a better chance on taking a different route, meaning going in as another type of Officer and putting in my BUD/S package from there.


Registered User
Old info

When I was attempting to put an application in for and EOD slot back in 02 (I realized after a month of swimming that this was going to take more work then I was willing to put in) the recruiter told me there were 12 slots for that fiscal year, but the good new was only 3 had been taken. He gave me a sheet of the minimums and then wrote what I needed to get in order to get in. Wish I could provide more recent stuff but I can't find any reason to suspect much has changed.


Registered User

I do not know the # of billets available to BUD/S via OCS. However, I can give you an idea of what a candidate must score to be competitive. To be considered a competitive candidate for a Special Warfare slot via OCS, you should be able to perform the following minimums: 100+ P/U and S/U, 20+ pull-ups, run/swim under 9 min. If you can not meet these scores, you could enlist under the SEAL challenge. If you make it to the Teams, prove yourself as a leader and then apply for OCS. Since the chance of making it to the Teams is slim at best, you might want to look into wording your enlistment contract in such a way that enables you to get out if you don't make it. I was personally at BUD/S with guys that were wise and did this. I hope this aids you in your quest. Good luck.


Registered User
I know that my BUD/S candidate PRT numbers will be competitive, not so worried about that. I'm just not sure how many billets are available, and actually I shouldn't be too worried about that either because I've learned that I will only be competing against other civilians coming out of OCS for the billets. Even though I'm prior enlisted, I'll be under the designation of civilian because I have a break in service. I thought for about one second about taking the enlisted route, but that would defeat the purpose of me getting out and getting a degree, just to go back in as enlisted (even though, you are right, that is surely the easiest way to get to BUD/S, given the good PRT scores). I was also in BUD/S classes 217 and 218 with guys who had it in their contract that if they didn't make it through BUD/S they had the option of getting out of their contract. As an "O" I don't think I'll have that option, and even if I did, probably wouldn't take it anyways. Thanks for the info.


Registered User
Hey golden76,

It's a small world; I was in class 219 before I took my toys and went home. I dug up an e-mail from my recruiter on competitive Officer profiles. Besides the PRT scores, SPECWAR listed a 3.5 GPA and a 40 OAR. This was directly from CNRC as of Oct. 04. It's a little dated, but I hope it helps. By the way, the SOP for new Officers that do not qual. in their community is a ticket home. Good luck.


Most guys enlist and try and get to OCS after a few years.I was suprised how many seals have degrees.


Registered User
True, but if I go back in as enlisted, I probably most likely would go back in as en E-3 (I got out April 2001 as an E-4) and it would be impossible for me to live on that kind of income, even for short 6 month duration of BUDS, and thats given no rolls. Even on the income of an E-4 I couldn't do it financially. Anyways, it will all work out in the end, thanks.


Registered User
It always seems to be a mystery as to how many spots there are. Anywhere from 12 to 16 a year seems to be about normal. My best advice would be to get a solid recomendation from someone with some pull, i.e. O-6 and above. If your prt scores are competitive that would probably help more than anything.


The pastures are greener!
Super Moderator

PM me and I'll get you in touch with the person that has the pull and the know.


Registered User
OCS June 4th and then BUDs

I just found out Tuesday that I am going to OCS June 4th and then to BUDs. There were 16 guys total, 14 from ROTC and Academies and then just 2 from OCS.

I hope this helps you out. I was always told that good scores on the SEAL PST are the best way to get a slot.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Physicx said:
Most guys enlist and try and get to OCS after a few years.I was suprised how many seals have degrees.

A lot of enlisted have degrees. A lot will be smarter than you. I knew of a COB that had two bachelors and a masters.


Registered User
Officer BUDs selectees only recieve ONE chance to pass BUDs. You fail, no more SEALs for you.

Enlisted selectees can attempt BUDs up to 3 times with a certain duration of time between each attempt.

Just make damn sure that you can make it through BUDs both mentally and physically. Just one shot......

Hope that helps with your decision.


Registered User

Officers don’t just get one shot it is on a case by case. I have had some friends who were officers that get rolled-back. If they see you as being a good officers and leader they will usually roll you back


Registered User
Agree. Some of the Officers on the Fitness channel special on Buds training admitted they had been rolled. If anyone wants to be a Seal or anything else, go for it, and don't let other peoples negativity stop you.
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