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OCS 13OCT....

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Registered User
I just went over to OCS admin to ask a few questions. Helpful they were, but.....I had this nervous sickness take over me like the first day of boot camp 12 1/2 years ago. I left there thinkin, "Oh Shit, this is gonna suck"
Some guy said " I hope you bring your runnin legs"

All this positive motivation has motivated me to go take a PT test this afternoon, hahahha.

I was told about the 14th. They said we will be at the whims of the senior class, probably till about noon. Then after that he had no clue.


Registered User
If your a prior you should no problems. There's alot of yelling and telling you how much you suck, but thats about it for the first three days. After you take your PRT and are done a NOMI then the fun begins. The next time you wake up it'll be to your Drill Instructor's smiling face. And you'll get to know him really well for the next couple of days. There are a couple of things you need to tell yourself the first week- 1. They can't stop time 2. ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET TO SUNDAY MORNING. With out telling you more trust me you'll understand. After your first week life get's easier because you'll be in class most of the day and no one messes with you.
Some other tips to make your life easier at OCS is be able to run the 1 1/2 in under 9:45 when you get there. Your DI is watching you that first couple of days where you know it or not. If you show up in shape he won't ride you as hard. Second after lights out the first night you need to get your class together and figure out a standard way of grounding your gear at chow, you'll understand what that means the first day also. And third, Know your big three knowledge. If you show up knowing that you'll be light years ahead of the rest. I got to OCS knowing my big three and running I'd say about a 8:15 and my DI, Gunny Lewis, didn't even acknowledge my presents until the 6th week. I hope some of this is helpful, just remember laugh whenever you can, and securing 4th week is the only thing that matters. Good luck.
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