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New Member
I am in my summer before my senior year in high school. I am thinking of applying for a NROTC/AFROTC scholarship. I have a 3.1 gpa and a 25 act (24 English, reading, science; 28 math). I am good at math and I am taking a tough class load next year. I have a little volunteer service logged and I can pass the physical prerequisites listed on their sites. Based on this information, in your opinion, will I get this scholarship?


Combat Engineer
Based on your info, you have a 39.7% chance of getting jets.

Seriously though, do you think people can magically predict whether or not your package will be approved? You won't find out until you apply.


OCS Nov 11th Pro-Rec SNA July 2012
Just put the application in, get started now because there are many hoops you have to jump through to finish an app. From my experience many years ago you will have to go to MEPS, interview with a local ROTC officer, run a PFT, get letters of rec, and fill out lots of paperwork.

No one can perdict your chances, give it a shot but dont put all your eggs in one basket. Many people dont get a scholarship out of HS but still join ROTC and compete for one once in college.


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
Just remember that if you apply for an AFROTC scholarship, and are approved, you may actually have to spend some numbers of years in the Air Force. Think about that awhile before signing the app.


Retired E-2C NFO
There are many variables that go into whether or not you get a scholarship, as Crain mentioned. It's tough for those of us who aren't on the selection panels to figure out what your chances would be without seeing all the other applicants as well. If you're pretty good and everyone else aplying is really good, you won't get it. Best of luck to you. FYI, I got a 3 year NROTC scholarship, wasn't good enough for a 4 year. I worked my butt off in college and have been flying in the Navy for 19 years now! Don't give up.


New Member
I am in my summer before my senior year in high school. I am thinking of applying for a NROTC/AFROTC scholarship. I have a 3.1 gpa and a 25 act (24 English, reading, science; 28 math). I am good at math and I am taking a tough class load next year. I have a little volunteer service logged and I can pass the physical prerequisites listed on their sites. Based on this information, in your opinion, will I get this scholarship?

Cadin - I recommend you go to the web site - www.serviceacademyforums.com

They have ROTC scholarship information there as well.

You'll get some pretty candid advice at the forum. Based off of your stats, I'd say there is room for improvement. Work hard senior year to get your GPA up and take and re-take the SAT and ACT until you get the desired scores. There are other factors you need to take into consideration as they will affect your selection: Varsity Sports, work, volunteer hours, Scouts (especially Eagle Scout), other school activites. All of these factors are included, not just your GPA and test scores. Make sure you come up with a Plan B, C, D, .... in case you are not selected. If your goal is a commission, there are other ways of getting there, so don't give up your dream. For some, it is a long road, but well worth the journey. Good Luck.


Naval Aviation Hopeful!
Hey, man... just keep your GPA and your grades up, have your SAT and ACT scores good and ready, and you should be good to go... It's a tremendous opportunity: they award up to 180,000.00 for your tuition! AND you are commissioned as an Ensign upon graduation. What have you got to lose?! GO FOR IT! :) AND GOOD LUCK!

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
I am in my summer before my senior year in high school....Based on this information, in your opinion, will I get this scholarship?
Unanswerable question. But...I admire your "early consideration" of options. Keep kicking ass in school, and do your best. All of the above advice is good...do some more homework.
Best of luck....and Cheers!
P.S.: sodajones was right...but that was yesterday. By the current formula (released 17 June 2012), "We can no longer predict your probability of getting jets beyond the last significant digit to the left of the decimal point."


Well-Known Member
apply and see what happens, but have a few back up plans as your GPA is very low compared to those that were picked up this year.