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Next Board ~ April 2011


New Member
This is true about October 1st. I too just spoke with my recruiter today. Only thing that is open still for the April board is Special Forces and Nukes. Im going to put in a Seals package because I have been on standby with the Navy for about a year now. I want pilot but all is closed as of now. Since the board may not even happen til November, I'm keeping my options open. It's not that bad for me cause I need to improve my aviation scores anyway. But I understand the aggravation to the people who have their packages ready to go. Best of luck to all!

If you are serious about this, you better have stellar PT scores. Like 8:00/100+/100+/20+/9:00. PT scores for SEAL Officer hopefuls are 90% of the package. I've talked to a few SEAL O's (Some now are Captains) who have sat on OCS boards and this is what has been told to me. You are in competition with some awesome SEAL enlisted candidates and also some pretty awesome civilian candidates.

Not to be a dick, but based on your posts, I don't think you know what you are getting into.


New Member
Just an additional datapoint. A friend's daughter (Academy '09 (handed her diploma by "The One")) tells me that several of her classmates waiting for flight school have been offered unconditional releases from their commitment. 4 years of the some of the world's finest higher education and nowhere to put them other than back in the civilian labor pool. Does that sound like the Navy thinks they have all the officers they'll need for a while?


Well-Known Member
Just an additional datapoint. A friend's daughter (Academy '09 (handed her diploma by "The One")) tells me that several of her classmates waiting for flight school have been offered unconditional releases from their commitment. 4 years of the some of the world's finest higher education and nowhere to put them other than back in the civilian labor pool. Does that sound like the Navy thinks they have all the officers they'll need for a while?

It's 2011 and that was practically two years ago. Word from my friend who just checked into Pensacola is the Navy needs pilots in the program but the number has been reduced hence why the OCS boards aren't happening currently. The main source of commissioning is the Academy and ROTC.

BTW, I know of someone who they told they could DOR flight school and be let go. He went to the USNA. When they found that out they sent him to the boat because they wanted his service for the education.

Ohh and Eaglei22. Chill out. Seriously, it's just the internet and no one is trying to insult you. The boards will happen when they happen and all you're run on's are doing is clogging the thread with useless rants.


Registered User
Just spoke with my command career counselor and she said that they cutting down on OCS boards. Everyone in the service knows the Navy is trying to trim the fat for both officers and enlisted. She did say cutting down not canceling all together. Just a few years ago you just had to be mediocre to stay Navy now you gotta be a top performer to even stay in in some cases.


Pro-rec SNA
Ohh and Eaglei22. Chill out. Seriously, it's just the internet and no one is trying to insult you. The boards will happen when they happen and all you're run on's are doing is clogging the thread with useless rants.

I never had a beef with you but
A4 says it best about you in this thread:


Anyhow you're right. As usual.

What are your guy's plans for the long gap until the next board?
Anyone else here looking into Grad school while they wait? I'm thinking of starting my Masters in Aerospace Engineering and starting P90x again really soon. Maybe even next week.


I'm in limbo between grad school vs getting my Instument/Commercial flight ratings. Grad school will allow me to show that I can excel academically to offset my weak Undergrad status (2.53 in General Studies.) It will also enable me to become more competitive in the private sector. However, flight ratings will further my flying experience and make me more competitive to ANG/AFR units, or just enable me to have a solid backup plan in case the military doesn't work out. Aviation is the great passion of my life and I want to stay close to it either way. I feel both of these avenues will make me more competitive in future board selections, however I'm having difficulty in choosing which one will probably weigh more in getting a military pilot slot. Thoughts?

I am also starting P90X this week. I will be continuing my volunteer work and will be doing some aerobatic training as well as competing in a few local air races throughout the summer. I am working to get a few more LOR's as well as some Officer interviews.


In it for the naked volleyball
Right, but for officers in the military, everything is done based on year groups. The military requires upwards progression, so if they just decided to not have any officers for a single year, it would lead to major problems down the road. An 09 academy grad is at the point where they're pinning on O-2. The Navy may have over recruited in 09, and that will have very little to do with what is going on now, two years later. That's the reason why he said that it's largely irrelevant to the rest of us.


New Member
It's largely irrelevant to the rest of us.

I see what you mean. I just thought it was generally indicative over an over-supply of flight officers and flight officer candidates which, by extension, could partly explain a scale back of recruiting efforts in general - like indefinitely postponing OCS boards.


Let's see for between now and fall...

Finish my BA in June. Start my MA in Intl. relations in July (full time online), and a post-bac degree in African Studies in Sep (part time on campus). Continuing on in my job (maybe promotion in Aug) and other possible job with the Institute of Reading Deveolpment as a teacher for the summer. Continuing to do the volunteering at the school/school programs/be involved in campus activities. Continue to be an Intl. student Mentor. Have basic Japanese and then work on my East Asian studies certificate. Getting new O-3 NFO Interview/LOR this week. Likely going to retake the ASTB, but not 100% on that yet.

Strained my calf/tweaked ankle about a month ago so been on light duty. However, ran 3.5 miles in about 35 minutes today, which is about 5 minutes less per mile than last time I ran a mile right after I hurt my leg. Restaring P90X April 1. Half-Marathon in Sep. and I would like to make the full marathon by next Jan.


Pro-rec SNA
I'm in limbo between grad school vs getting my Instument/Commercial flight ratings. Grad school will allow me to show that I can excel academically to offset my weak Undergrad status (2.53 in General Studies.) It will also enable me to become more competitive in the private sector. However, flight ratings will further my flying experience and make me more competitive to ANG/AFR units, or just enable me to have a solid backup plan in case the military doesn't work out. Aviation is the great passion of my life and I want to stay close to it either way. I feel both of these avenues will make me more competitive in future board selections, however I'm having difficulty in choosing which one will probably weigh more in getting a military pilot slot. Thoughts?

I am also starting P90X this week. I will be continuing my volunteer work and will be doing some aerobatic training as well as competing in a few local air races throughout the summer. I am working to get a few more LOR's as well as some Officer interviews.

I think it depends on what you really want to do for the rest of your life. If the military doesn't work out where do you see yourself? Flying planes or doing something else. If you plan on starting a career in aviation then I would keep working on getting more hours which def like you said won't hurt your pilot package. At the same time if flying is more of a hobby for you, then I would pursue grad school. Like many have told me, the military will train you how to fly the way they want you to fly. One of the officers I interviewed with told me eventually to reach a certain rank the Navy will make you get a masters degree, and I think he even said they give you a year off to do it. Not 100%.. So at least you will be ahead of the game.

Btw.. Looks like everyone is into P90X :) This will be my second time doing it. Like TOny Horton says.. I love it but I hate it. Haha.

Lucy, sounds like a great plan. You guys doing P90x, are you doing the strict diet too? Or just the workouts?


I will end up doing both the flight training and the graduate work. It's just a question of which will make my package stand out more for the next board. I'm thinking of doing a mix of a couple of grad classes (in engineering) and just tacking on my Instrument rating. As far as a career goes, I have never wanted to do anything other than serve in the Armed Forces as a career officer. Ofcourse, 20 years ago no one could have guessed this country would be where it is today. My ultimate concern is my undergrad status because that's the weak point in my package, but thanks Eaglei22. As far as P90X, I'm doing the work out with my own diet plan that I got from muscleandstrength.com


Last time we did the meal plan. We are going to do it primarily this time but with a few modifications. It's a little pricey but we both felt sooo much better with that type of "diet" that we are working on making it a lifestyle change versus diet.
I need to get back into training, just got my ASTB scores and I am supper motivated right now.
9/9/9 69 (better then I was expecting, I think BS in Electrical Engineering helped a bit though)

I did P90X last year and liked it but I am looking for a good running regiment. I have never liked long distance running, more of a sprinter. Was wondering if anyone out there has had luck with any kind of regiment moving from a sprinter type to a long distance type. I was thinking interval training but that is still a bit sprint focused. Any suggestions?

that mike guy

JSUPT primary @ VAFB, Enid, OK
...9/9/9 69 (better then I was expecting, I think BS in Electrical Engineering helped a bit though)

Words... I was thinking interval training but that is still a bit sprint focused. Any suggestions?

Nice scores, was looking at the rest of your app. and it was equal to or better than mine in most areas; I got picked up for a flight contract in November and am starting OCS in 2 weeks, so you should be a shoe in (once boards start back).

As for the running, don't underestimate how valuable interval training can be for improving that 1.5 mile time; it lets you run flat out for longer before having to slow your pace for the latter portion of the run. I would say to mix it up between intervals and a medium to med-high (for you) paced 1.5-2.5 mi. jog. Just my $.02.