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Registered User
YO! How are you all doing? I just wanted to drop a line and let you all know that i am a new member posting on this board(it's not like i want you to all snap your heals together now that i am here or anything). i have fallowed this forrum for a couple of years now, and each time i read any of the posts i get that feeling on excitement down in my stomach for the day i finaly go off to OCS, and Eventualy start my flight trainng. So to say this website has been an inspiration would be a gross understatement. So keep up the good work all!

A little about my self. I am a Jr at Southeastern Oklahoma State Univeristy (Hillbilly U we like to call it) and am currently enrolled in the filght program wasting $30k for flying just to have to relearn it in the navy. In addition to that i have recently been selected for the BDCP with a SNA designator. And that is where i stand to day, and i won't bore you all with the rest of my lifes details. So to conclude nice to meet you all, and i hope i may be able to contribute to the discussion sometimes
So good day to you all.

Chris Barthel

Keep it real dude!

Edited by - DudeNamedChris on 02/27/2002 12:38:37
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