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Need input for personal statement

This is my rough draft so any input would be appreciated! My grammar and punctuation is by no means the best!! Thanks for the help everyone.

My grandfather was always a role model to me as I was growing up, even now giving great inspiration of where I want to be in life. Having served twenty-seven years, he retired as a Command Sergeant Major of the United States Army. A two time Vietnam veteran and one time Korean war veteran he had served our country honorably and led me to where I am today. I believe that being a part of a military family made me a more structured, organized person. As time progresses in the fleet leadership positions begin to open up and that challenge must be accepted without hesitation. Having the opportunity to become a naval officer overwhelms me with pride, yet I understand that it takes a higher caliber of person to endure the program. My experience in the fleet as a member of the enlisted community has been surreal, but I believe that it only begins here and the seaman to admiral program is a guide to my career goal.
Honor, what I believe should be the base of what builds a person’s character. Being from Hawaii we pride the values of honor, respect, and dignity. I was never one to be selfish, and in any situation would always help out my fellow shipmates; to me that is the foundation of what leadership is. The navy is a melting pot of cultures in which I have come across. Working together with a diverse community teaches me no matter how different people can be or what the situation is, the mission will always get completed. Flight deck crash, fire, rescue is my expertise and as a crew leader during flight operations I am in charge of two crewmen. If an aircraft casualty were to happen my crewmen have to put their trust in me that I will do the right thing for the survival of the aircrew and themselves.
We are taught that leadership starts from the top and moves down the ladder. In the fleet at my current command I am held up to a high standard by my chain of command as a leader. The beginning stages of leadership start at the rank of third class petty officer. A third class petty officer is known as a “Working supervisor,” and being employed with my fellow junior sailors, they are humbled by how great of a job I can accomplish. Leading by example (especially as a junior ranking petty officer) is an important key role because it sets the standard of your work environment. At my command I am a primary fitness leader for the department I work for and also hold fitness classes after hours. I use the leadership skills learned as a junior ranking petty officer to structure order within the classes. The navy’s core values of courage, and commitment would best describe what leadership means to me. Even in times of hardship you must be courageous to stand up for what is right and commit to being a leader in order for you to succeed at the mission.
As an aspiring Naval Officer my intuitive knowledge assists me with every task I complete. Creative minds are rare to come along and I believe that my versatility to various situations would help me in any target group of the seaman to admiral program. I plan on taking my college career path to achieve my bachelor’s degree in computer science; a field in which I have always had an interest in. Previous evaluations received stated that my next step to advance is recommendation into STA-21. The seaman to admiral program is my calling and the up-tempo lifestyle that I live will mold the future of the United States Navy.
In my job field I believe that doing the right thing is a one-hundred percent of the time task. Community service is at the top of my list whenever visiting a foreign port because it helps us bond with foreign nationals and brings credit upon us as an American naval global force for good. In life I always strive for perfection, therefore if selected into the seaman to admiral program I will dedicate myself completely to perform beyond standard and serve my country with pride as a new generation naval officer.


Well-Known Member
hey man I from Hawaii too. Draft looks okay. I'd add in more stuff about how your goal is to be an officer and leader. Take out the stuff about what being a third class is. In my app I never once mentioned my rank in my statement (I'm a first class) the people know what being a third entails. Mention experiences that you had in the navy, mine was serving in Iraq and the challenges of it. I guess try and melt them together.
mention how much you value higher education and the opportunity to go to college would be a dream come true and what you want to study.