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My Introduction

With my degree, which branch would be best suited for me?

  • Navy

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Air Force

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Hello everyone,

I've been been going through the threads for a couple of days now and thought I might as well make an account and join in. Here's some info about myself:

: Virginia Tech
Degree: B.S. in Business Information Technology (Decision Support System)
GPA: 3.42
Graduated: 2016
Age: 25 (changed my major my sophomore year and had to start over).
Current City: Kansas City​

I'm currently working in the corporate world for a Health I.T. company that just made a deal with the DoD and VA to manage their EMRs/EHRs. Since then, we've been on a hiring spree. I'm currently in technical support as an analyst sitting all day at a desk, but have been thinking about joining the military and becoming an officer. Grew up as a military brat as my father was in the Navy so I have a sense for the military community and I do miss it.

I haven't spoken to a recruiter yet (I know), but just wanted to get some of your thoughts about the current position I'm in.
  • According to Navy.com, the closest OR is 4 hours away while there is an enlisted recruiter down the street. Navy.com doesn't tell me their hours of operations of the OR office and I'm usually at work from 7AM-630PM Mon-Fri so by the time I get home, I feel like the recruiter is already gone.
  • I'm also worried the OR would get discouraged because of my age. After college, I thought I'd try out the civilian world and work for corporate, but as you can see, it's doesn't feel right for me. I know I'm not past the age limit, but was wondering if my chances of getting in were lower because of my age? I've heard work experience doesn't matter, just as long as you have a degree.
  • What branch would be best suited for my degree (Navy or Air Force)? What rate would be best suited for my degree? I was thinking of going for Intel, CW, or IP, but was wondering if there are any other rates that would work well with my degree. For my technical degree, would I would it be expected by the recruiter or board to pick a rate that falls in the same category? I've seen a thread here that people have gotten non-technical degrees (ex: English Lit) and went Nuclear - just wondering if it was the same/different for technical degrees.
Hopefully this wasn't too much and thank you for taking the time to read this post.


Registered User
I didn't see my OR in person once during almost the entire process. Pretty much not until he had to swear me in.
Get on the phone, leave messages, send emails, etc. until you find a person who's willing to respond and work with you.
At some point I wound up talking to some Commander at the NRD who got my basic info then turned loose one of his recruiter's direct info to start the process.

I've met plenty of people in the Navy who started out in the civilian sector after school. You'll be fine.

For an off the street accession, the Navy will pretty much turn you into anything they need. But if you want to stick with something close to your degree, IP is probably the best direct fit for IT though. Intel and CW...much less of a direct fit.
If you're at all interested in starting out in the Warfare communities, the Navy will also be more than happy to train you up for that as well. You are too old for Pilot though.

I have no idea how the Air Force compares in the IT realm.


Making Recruiting Great Again
There’s an OR in KC... call either of the numbers provided for an enlisted or officer recruiter on the navy.com website and they’ll hook you up...

Don’t worry about your age...

As for your work hours, you will likely need to take time off to accommodate your OR. Navy recruiting is switching to talent acquisition (just like many civilian firms) and if you can’t accommodate meeting with an OR, there are dozens of more kids out there who can...

As for Navy vs. USAF IP, lots of material you can google to know more. Additionally both USAF and Navy ORs can field specific questions or at least look up for you. Be advised your GPA is below the competitive norm and I would be open to other officer options out there...

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
You are too old for Pilot though.

What? Fake news. You're not and your degree isn't necessarily going to preclude your ability to get accepted as a Student Naval Aviator (SNA). Search the forums here, but I'm pretty damn sure you have to commission before you're 28 or 28.5, something like that. I worked for NASA after college for a little while and only later did I contact the local NRD. They were slammed, they had to cover two states for whatever reason and they were a two-hour drive away. I think I only went down to the NRD twice. Once to take the ASTB and once to swear in before OCS. As an officer applicant, they're going to expect you to take the initiative and do all the legwork. How badly do you really want it? Because once you get in and pin on those bars, nobody is going to hold your hand when it comes time to do your job, so if you can't do what's required to get yourself in the Navy, how are you going to be able to help others once you're in a leadership position? I'm simplifying it, but expect to take point on your own goals and aspirations. There's a phrase you'll hear in the Navy: "Nobody cares about your career more than you."

Just FYI, enlisted jobs or specialties are called "rates." Officer specialties are "designators." This is Navy specific. In the Army an enlisted job is an MOS. I don't know what the hell they call their officer jobs.

I'm not going to vote on your poll, that's an answer you're going to have to determine for yourself. You're over the cubical situation, got it, that's step one. The real question is: What do you want to do in life? You only get one, so make it count. Maybe find a USAF forum and get a feel for what they do (I think baseops.net is their go-to, but I could be wrong).

Good luck!
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