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(mostly) Tomcat Pr0n


Registered User

Good looking pictures.

I made it to Oceana for the show.

A few months before the show I was emailing with a few guys from our squadron and we decided to set up a reunion durring the airshow. It worked out great and I saw a bunch of guys that I haven't seen since 76 when I left Oceana.

What was interesting was we were the first Tomcat Squadron in Oceana and at the airshow our squadron put on a good show with their Tomcats. It was great to hear the roar of the Tomcats after all these year. It was alot different from the day I left. Then, the flight line was full of Phantoms, now full of Hornets.

Our Commanding Officer that took us from the Phantoms to the Tomcats was there. He met with C.O. that took VF-32 from the Tomcats to the Hornets.

They took us over to the Static displayed Tomcat that was Painted in our original squadron colors for pictures, and to the ready room where we had a ceremony, then went out for the airshow.

Our reunion,We had one guy there that worked on the F-8F Bearcats in the earily 50's, 2 guys from the late 50's that worked on the F-8 Crusader, A bunch that worked on the Phantoms to the Tomcats for VF-32.

Sad to see that VF-32 is now VFA-32


X-Phantom Phixer
X-Tomcat Tweaker




Sky Pig Wrangler
ghost119 said:

Hey look! It's UINavy and A4's!

(Or somebody else if you want)

naw, two pilots in the same cockpit, cockpit's not big enough to fit all that ego

not at a jab at you UINavy, just in general ;)


Sky Pig Wrangler
UInavy said:
(Not taken as a jab. I'm not that sensitive)

gotta be careful these days, panties have been getting in wads pretty easily around here


ghost119 said:
Amazing what we thought was cool back then.

Bullsh!t... I'd watch it if they started airing reruns right now... and still think it was awesome...
Just the other day me and my friend were talking about how they need to put that show on DVD.....


Well-Known Member
Blutonski816 said:
Bullsh!t... I'd watch it if they started airing reruns right now... and still think it was awesome...
Just the other day me and my friend were talking about how they need to put that show on DVD.....

Dammit - Sounds like someone already found something you find humorous. What shall I do with the rest of my life?


I Can Has Leadership!
What makes it even funnier is if you know the TRUE meaning of "shrubbery"...:D

Only if I get an overwhelming response to do so will I share... that or beer money.


I Can Has Leadership!
The hair down there... specifically on the fairer gender...

Guess one request was enough... now where's my beer money?


I Can Has Leadership!
No sarcasm. Roommate at Das Boot School is from London... that's what it means. Unless he was blowing smoke somewhere unmentionable... and he doesn't smoke.

P.S... I take checks, money orders and all major credit cards. On second thought, just give me your credit card and I'll send it back after I pay for my tab.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Blutonski816 said:
close enough....

Another reason behind the tomcat's retirement.... politics.. when Cheney was SECDEF, he cancelled all funding for further development of the F-14... that included the Tomcat 21 and quick-strike programs...
Rumor has it that Cheney was pissed at one of the Grumman Execs when the decision was made....

True, only it was the New York Congressman that Cheney so riled. Nothing against the airframe, it was a power play by NY and statement by a certain representative (that it didn't matter what OSD did, he'd fix it on the hill) that resulted in Cheney cancelling the F-14D production after 55 airframes and stopping further upgrades. However, that was settled dust by 92 and it was in 94 that a submarine effort to get LANTRIN integrated on the Tomcat transformed the community even after half the squadrons started disestablishing in 95-96. Eventually, just about all the Block 1 Strike upgrades made it onto the Tomcat. Too bad the A model still had to soldier on so long without the motors it deserved, but they gave a good accounting of themselves right up to the end with VF-14, 41 and ultimately VF-154 in OIF.


heyjoe said:
Eventually, just about all the Block 1 Strike upgrades made it onto the Tomcat. Too bad the A model still had to soldier on so long without the motors it deserved, but they gave a good accounting of themselves right up to the end with VF-14, 41 and ultimately VF-154 in OIF.

Funny you mention that because, I've seen a Photo by David F. Brown of F-14A BuNo 158612 (first production Tomcat) returning with VF-41 from *edit*OEF with the LANTIRN pod upgrade. I guess it's a living testament as to how tough the A/C is despite its age.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
The basic airframe is solid as a rock, just old 60s technology in the wiring, avionics and other boxes that mean a lot of manhours between flights. The big motors (F110) solve the thrust-to-weight shortfall and tendancy to stall of the TF30 (originally intended as a stopgap until the bigger motors arrived, but that's a long story). F-14A Tomcat drivers had to fly the motors (not the airplane) right until the end (any one want to have to relight over bad guy country? One of our guys in VF-32 had to relight every time he made more than 30 degrees of turn 200 miles inside Iraq). Standard call from RIO passing 30K was "throttles" meaning not to touch them or you'd likely get a compressor stall. With the big motors, you could fly the airplane the way it was intended and Tomcat guys went looking for F-15s and F-16s with a vengenance (payback, time). With DFCS and a big motor, the Tomcat could take on F-16 in a one circle fight or go upstairs with a F-15. Pretty intimidating to have the "Big Fighter" gunning you when you think 9Gs is your magic move and edge over everything in the sky.

VF-14 and VF-41 took their F-14As over Kosovo and Afghanistan and did extemely well (they transitioned to F/A-18E/F prior to OIF though.....where they introduced the "F" to combat so "Mr Tomcat" may have gotten that confused). VF-154 was only A squadron to fly in OIF, but point is still valid; just wanted to set history straight.


heyjoe said:
VF-14 and VF-41 took their F-14As over Kosovo and Afghanistan and did extemely well (they transitioned to F/A-18E/F prior to OIF though.....where they introduced the "F" to combat so "Mr Tomcat" may have gotten that confused). VF-154 was only A squadron to fly in OIF, but point is still valid; just wanted to set history straight.

Nope, that was My mistake.. I and E kinda sound the same at 8:00 AM the day after Christmas...


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Blutonski816 said:
Nope, that was My mistake.. I and E kinda sound the same at 8:00 AM the day after Christmas...

A common error. Done it myself! Happy Holidays! HJ