Hey, I have orders to Mobilize to Iraq and wondered if anybody had advice and suggestions. I would sincerely appreciate it.
It's been 2 years since I was there, and to say the landscape has changed is a bit of an uderstatement, so my advice is probably of limited value. Like Trunkmokney offered, specific advice would really depend on exactly where you are going (e.g., Balad, Al Asad, Camp Victory, etc.) and what your job is going to be.
Having just gone through the Navy's mob/demob process again this year, however, I will say to bring an infinite supply of patience when you show up at whatever mobilization center they've assigned. To say that the process represents the worst of all bureaucracies combined is being generous. Just bring a couple of good books and roll with it - you're getting paid either way. You'll be way ahead of the game if you can have all your medical issues squared away and properly documented. Make sure your shot record is correct, or you'll be getting the full series again anyway. If you can the smallpox done while you're at your home station, you'll be ahead of the game - it's kind of annoying.
Get a good holster - I bought my own in advance (Galco Miami, based on AW recommendations...) and never regretted it. I saw lots of guys with the govt issue nylon crap who were constantly pulling and pushing theirs around, trying to make them comfortable. The Miami fit like a glove.
Be comfortable with whatever weapon you are issued. You probably will never need it, but.... Also, don't lose one of the three magazines you are issued, or your callsign will become "Jimmy Two Clips"....
Try and get a sense of whether you'll have any kind of internet service in your can - if so, be sure to bring a computer. If not, a computer is probably baggage you can do without.
Good base layers are great for different times of the year; it can be damn hot in the summer, and surprisingly chilly in the winter - depending on where you are.
If you have a good small pillow you like, pack it. It's the little quality of life things that can matter a lot.
Bloom where planted. There's generally nothing else to do but work-eat-work out-sleep, so you end up putting in a lot of hours. Be an information sponge - if you have any aspirations of sticking around in the intel community for any length of time, this will be a tremendous opportunity to learn about the business end of this whole "war" thing. You'd be surprised what you could find yourself doing by demonstrating competence and interest, being polite, asking nicely, and bribing appropriately.
If you have a family, make sure you have a will and power of attorney set up. Set up as many bills as you can on auto-pay. While internet connectivity is good to great, it can still go down for extended periods. Don't let things like bills wait until the last minute.
PM with any specifics you might have in mind.