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Making it through

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Registered User
For those of you who have actually been through OCS, can you tell me what sort of screw-ups are actually deal-breakers that get you kicked out, and what sort of stuff will be overlooked? My fiance's letters are starting to get fairly negative. He does welll under 17min on his 3-mile run and consistently gets perfect PFT scores, is acing all his tests and is REALLY motivated to be there. But he's gotten fairly crappy evaluations from the sgt. instructors on both his billets so far (cand. co. gunny sgt and squad leader), and on the first peer eval he was ranked somewhere in the middle of the squad (hasn't gotten results from the second peer eval yet). I really want to be able to reassure him that he's still on firm footing (from what I've read on this site), but can anyone tell me more about it?


2nd LT
Almost everyone fails at least one or two billets. Failure is built into the system to see how you will react. I wouln't worry about failing billets as long as he stays motivated and doesn't make the same mistakes over and over. As far as "spear" evals go I really didn't pay much attention to them. You have a bunch of guys in cramped quaters for 70 days your going to get into quarrles, and henceforth people are going to write negative things that may or may not be true about you. As long as you stand up for yourself and either accept resonsibility for the problem or explain why you don't think there is a problem and take take extra initiative to prove that there is no problem you will be fine. Everyone fails billets and gets negative comments on peer evals just tell him not to let it bother him and carry on. He should just make sure he performs well on tests and graded events.


Dean of Students
Billets are designed to make you fail. There's really no authority in them so Candidates buddy F eachother alot. It all depends on your platoon. Dustball is right on with the peer evals...it turns into a popularity contest. Leadership isn't being popular with the subordinates. The last Candidate graduates with everyone else...tell your finace to keep gritting it out.


Registered User
The only screw ups that are deal breakers are integrity violations and repeatedly failing tests and/or PT events. Everyone fails billets in the first 2/3 of OCS. This is intentional. They set you up to fail to see how you react. do you try to cover it up? do you try to blame your subordinates? If you are repeatedly getting company billets towards the end, then I would start to worry

Peer evals can screw you at TBS but I don't think the will hurt you at OCS as long as you pass all the other events. At TBS my Staff Platoon Commander basically went by the peer evals for the leadership score which accounts for a third of the overall grade. It's graded on a linear scale from barely passing to 100. So even the guy at the bottom doesn't fail. Leadership failures at TBS are rare so, unless your repeatedly getting company billets, I wouldn't worry.

If you get married and live off-base during TBS, it will be difficult to play the popularity game.
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