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Late application

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Registered User
Hey all,

I've started my application to OCS as some of you may know from reading my posts. However, I'm trying to lose more weight to come into compliance with regs. It's not the fastest process, but it's progressing. In addition to that, I'm working 48 hours/week, 12 hours of classes, and pledging in my business fraternity. So, as it stands, I simply cannot devote enough time to weight loss as before. I'm slowly completing the application, but I fear that it will not be finished and sent until December of this year. Is that too late? My recruiter said I could take all the time I need, so I'm hoping it's not. Any advice would be great. :)


Registered User
too late for what? the navy isn't going to stop recruiting officers anytime soon man.

p.s. update your bio. its blank

man the wait is killing me


Registered User
How much weight do you need to drop? You can drop a lot if you can do cardio daily, and watch what you eat.



Registered User
Thanks for the replies guys

About 30 pounds, I have already dropped 60 since January, so 30 more to go. Also, when I was doing the Navy application, it asked for College extra-cirricular activities, which is something I haven't done in college yet. The frat will help that section, but more importantly, it's a business frat so I can gain valuable networking experience in case Navy does not work out or after I leave the Navy, you know? Gotta diversify risk.

Cardio is something I've been doing, I was jogging 3 miles a day, but it's so tough with work and what not..


Registered User

If you drink cokes, take that out of your diet and drink a lot of water and that will make a large impact.


Your MOM!
Try Slim-Fast, no joke! Just make sure you stick to it and not eat any extra stuff.

Don't sweat the small stuff!


Registered User
Originally posted by ghost_ttu

If you drink cokes, take that out of your diet and drink a lot of water and that will make a large impact.

so true soda has alot of calories. especially when you put away 5- 10 a day.

man the wait is killing me


Registered User
To let you know the impact of cokes, I just quit cold turkey about a year and a half ago, and I went from 204 to 175 in about 3 months without working out. I was eating a lot of meat and green veggies and drinking a lot of water. Then I started working out and put muscle back on to 190.


Registered User
Diet drinks are cool. I used to hate the taste of them, but sometimes you just need some carbonation, plus you get used to the taste. WATER, EXERCISE, WATCH WHAT YOU EAT/DRINK, LIFT, AND STAY FOCUSED AND POSITIVE.



Registered User

I was in the same position back in Oct as you are in now. I used to lift weights religiously, but I too had a lot of body fat. If you drink only water, cut out all fast foods and fried foods, eat at least 5-6 servings of fruits and veggies a day and not eat 4 hrs before bed time you will definitely see a big change. Along with the eating right comes the easy part which is excercise. CARDIO at LEAST 45 min 4-5 times a week. If you have already dropped 60 lbs. then you are doing something right. But on the other hand the last few lbs are the hardest to drop.

The Navy will do a generic body fat test where they measure your waistline and subtract that from the neck measurement. It is not accurate but it helps some get around the weight hurdle.

As far as your time, I would ask myself what do I want more the Frat or the Navy. It is my opinion that the Navy will look better on a resume than the associated frat, and the bond will be much greater

I can tell you from experience that when I got my Pilot Slot All of the hard work I had to put in wasn't even a memory, because I was so happy. Best of Luck to you and hang in there

Moses Smith

Dave Shutter

Registered User
Watch the sports drinks, they're loaded with sugar. Start reading labels and watch out especially for Hydrogenated oil. It has a different molecular structure than other lipids and goes right into your blood stream without being broken down, ie: straight to your gut. I lost a ton of weight before OCS by swimming every day on top of lifting. Half an hour is all it takes, a great full body, non-impact excercise that you need to be good at anyway. I know where you're coming from so good luck with it.


Registered User
Just make it simple. Calories in vs. calories out. Make sure out is bigger than in and you're fine. Soda/cookies/ice cream is lots of in. Bad. Exercise is lots of out. Good. Like Dave said, read food labels. I know, a girl thing to do, but you can do it in secret, we won't tell.
If you have to, keep track for a week or so. It's amazing how much "little" stuff finds its way into your mouth. You know.... slice of pizza at midnight, go out for a couple of drinks, or "I just put a LITTLE extra mayo, sour cream, etc. on my food, no big deal." Things sneak up on you. [:p]


Registered User
Who here goes out for a "couple" drinks? If you are gonna kill the diet with a beer, might as well get hammered so you feel guilty about the hangover and not the calories. Of course you could get smashed and then do a PRT drunk, and that would probably be interesting.
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