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Introduction, Flight Physical, Vision, and ASTB

Ryan Dronson

New Member
Hey everyone, I'm unsure if this is proper procedure for introduction but I'm strapped for time here. I am a freshman in college and applying for the Marine Corps PLC program. I am going for aviation and the April board is the last chance I have at getting selected. I take the ASTB in two weeks so I have been reading up and studying, trying to prepare as best as I can for this test. This site has been an incredible source of information for me, so thank you everyone!! Now to my question, I have already been to MEPs and passed my vision tests. However, my only worry is my color vision. I did not do so well on the Ishihara plate tests they gave me at MEPs, I struggle with the plate tests quite a bit. I ended up having to use the Falant light test which I did perfectly fine on, not a single one wrong. If I pass the ASTB(fingers crossed!) I then have to go to Pensacola, Florida for my flight physical. My question is what kind of color vision tests will they give me there? Is it similar to MEPs? Can I take something different besides the plate tests? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!


New Member
If the indoc flight physical is similar to the annual physicals we're given (it may be more, definitely not less), expect the Ishihara plate test, an alternating red/green/white light test, as well as some depth perception tests. I doubt there's any getting around the Ishihara test, and some corpsmen have asked me to trace the number on the card with my finger. For now, focus on the ASTB, it's a reasonable test and you'll do well if you've prepared. Your vision is what it is and won't change between now and your indoc flight physical; NAMI knows what they're doing and will accurately assess your vision.