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I Need Help!


Well-Known Member
gaijin6423 said:
If you want a group of maintainers who will work until their shift is over, then go back to their air-conditioned, cable-ready, frickin' sweet barracks room, their hands washed of the a/c maintenance issues, then the AF might be for you.

Repeat after me: It is a DORM ROOM in Zoomieland.

'Barracks' are what the scum of the earth live in.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
KBayDog said:
Repeat after me: It is a DORM ROOM in Zoomieland.

'Barracks' are what the scum of the earth live in.
I thought they lived in tents. ;)



Registered User
Technical Degree?

I have been searching everywhere I can think and the local recruiters didn't even know this one. Is computer science considered a technical degree? It's in our college of engineering if that helps, need this info for the BDCP. Thanks


Registered User
Ok, thanks alot. You know I called our CS department and the advisors there told me that Texas A&M University doesn't offer technical majors at all- kind of hard to find good advice sometimes.

Ex Rigger

Active Member
Yes, it is a technical major. It is an engineering major. They don't know what you mean by technical major. They probably think your asking about ITT tech type degrees.....ie Auto Repair.....which they don't have.


I Can Has Leadership!
CS isn't an engineering major. Its grouped in with math, chem, physics and that type of science. More of a developmental/research science than an engineering field.


TheBubba said:
CS isn't an engineering major. Its grouped in with math, chem, physics and that type of science. More of a developmental/research science than an engineering field.

Depends on where you go to school. While it may not be an engineering major in the practical sense, most schools offer it through the college of engineering. It was in our college of engineering until I graduated and we had a new college of Information Sciences and Technology, where it's a better fit.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
CS will qualify as a tech major for BDCP provisions.

Can't remember the name of the thread and am to lazy to find it for you, but do a search for a long running thread on something like "what I love about Naval Aviation". Or maybe some one else can find it and link it for ya. Lots of good stuff there. In short, as an old salt and a former recruiter, I can confirm you are getting good advice here.


Registered User
the thread is in the best threads. should be easy to find there. there is also some good stuff to find out what the deployments are like in the threads about the best stuff to take on the boat, etc.