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Hippie civilian off season, Marine candidate during summer. Question?


New Member
I am a civilian candidate who has completed the first phase of OCS and will be doing the second later this summer. I grew up in a hippie town and now I am going to college in an even bigger hippie town. My first OSO allowed us to grow beards since we were civilians and as long as we werent in uniform or representing the Corps at any events--obviously. My new OSO asked me to shave my beard one day before doing an event with him in uniform--I intended to shave it anyway. Also he didn't know I had the beard untill the day he asked me to shave it.

Now its been a few months and I am not scheduled to do any events so I have grown it back out. Today he shot me an email and asked me if I was growing it out again (thats all he said in the email, nothing else). I replied that "I am." I am still waiting to hear what he has to say.

My question is this. If he tells me to shave it again permanently should I inform him that because I am a civilian I was informed by my previous OSO that I was not obligated to follow the strict grooming standards until I graduate OCS? Also that I have found having a beard and telling people about joining the Marines serves to break down a lot of negative stereotypes in a town like the one I live in.

or should i just shave it because being a Marine is more important to me than a beard? And not say anything--even if I have done nothing wrong by having it?

Does anyone have any advice or has anyone faced a similar dilemma and know what the official rules are for civilian candidates? I really want to enjoy being a civilian while I still can.


I appreciate the advice. I had no intention of making it a thing. I guess I knew the answer all along but was just holding on to that last little bit--I don't know why.

Being a Marin comes first. I would never jeopardize what I have worked so hard to earn.


Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
I never have been a big fan of beards, but my advice is to keep shaven anyway. It just looks more professional IMO. Plus, what happens when you run into a vet but don't know it and tell them you are in the Marine Corps looking like Grizzly Adams? IMHO there are just too many situations you might run into where having a beard isn't a good idea. But you do what you want, it is only my opinion.


Below Ladder
I wouldn't "inform" your OSO that you are a civilian and, thus, not required to abide by strict grooming standards unless you were 100% sure that was the case. Don't really think you've done anything wrong, though. Still, I'd shave it off if he asks you to. I don't know how it works for Marine OCS, but you might not be considered a civilian.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
Grizzly Adams DID have a beard, you probably shouldn't.

You've been to OCS once and made a commitment to the Marines, shave your face. You aren't exactly a civilian.


is clara ship
Is having a beard really that important to you? Seems like kind of a weird thing to get hung up on to me. I'm from the town that I presume you go to college in, and trust me, beard or not you will not win over some of the campus locals. But who the f*** cares? Eugene is a fantasy land filled with lots of folks who have simply never left its liberal confines, and thus can't comprehend how the world actually works. I would place a little more emphasis on your future, and a little less on what the earth first wackos think of you when you are BS'ing them at Rennies/Max's/Indigo/etc. Just my .02


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
You have already finished juniors OCS and I'm assuming you plan on going to seniors and accepting your commission. I really don't know what your official status is - I'm gonna guess that your are technically a civilian, but I really have no idea. It really doesn't matter.

You are going into a "business," for a lack of a better term, that really doesn't do too well with the gray areas. A lot of things are black and white. Marines are expected to be within the grooming standards. Marine Officers are expected to lead by example (sound familiar?). I know you are not a Marine yet, but you are close. It's a culture that is much different than college and the area you live in. Trust me, I grew up right across the river from where you are and went to a liberal (kinda goes without saying) state college. However, this is the path you have chosen - this kinda stuff comes with the territory.

It's up to you if you really want to fight this, but it sounds like your OSO doesn't think it's appropriate. I don't know if he is right or wrong, but is annoying him/pissing him off really worth a beard? It's your fight to fight, just doesn't really seem worth it to me.


New Member
I appreciate the advice. I suspected that would probably be the answer.

I guess I wont be able to wear the Grizzly Adams anymore but at least I can still pull off the ned flanders


joking...anyone? no? alright


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
instead of looking grizzled, you'll just look like a child molester. nice!


Dirty Hinge
A real man would own his beard...are you really gonna let someone tell you what to do with an e-mail? This goes back to the "Leather Jacket" debate...unless specifically forbidden, do what the fuck you want...I know many guys with beards I would trust with my life, and many guys without beards who I wouldn't (plus a couple of females with moustaches)

Guess what, on liberty/leave I usually don't shave much...I don't feel any less American, and I usually don't get much shit from anyone but my wife. Go back to concetrating on your grades and enjoying the sexual and alchoholic freedom that is college; you will have plenty of time in the military to worry about regs...



is good to go
reminds me of a quote I heard at OCS.

"If we are not allowed to have beards then neither can you!"
~A SI to a female candidate

Get use to not having them so get rid of it now so this thread can be done with


Esoteric single-engine jet specialist
One of the biggest appeals of the PLC program was that you could live life like a normal dude during the school year. If that means you want to wear a beard go for it. Of course, I wouldn't do it to impress some filthy hippies, but if it's what you want to do then go for it while you're still on your time. I doubt your OSO can "make" you shave it, but maybe he wanted to bring you to some function and wanted you looking presentable.

I had some long ass hair in college (early 90s). I went to my interview with my OSO with long hair and applied with long hair. When it got time to ship to OCS I cut it so that it didn't go past my shoulders. When I asked my OSO if I should cut it shorter he said, "Why bother, they're going to shave it anyway" Yeah I got a remark or two as I got off the bus, but it got shaved off and I pressed.

You've got all your time on AD to sport a SSST (short on the sides, stupid on top) and keep your grill shaved, enjoy your time now as a college kid. If you've got what it takes to succeed on this path a beard now isn't going to hold you back.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
For the beard, I could care less. BUT don't piss off your OSO. I'm certain he has connections and could make life at OCS a living hell. Just a thought.

Hopefully your beard is getting all the hippie chicks your heart desires. :D

-ea6bflyr ;)