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Registered User
Are there any current p-3 or prowler fo's out there? I'm graduating primary in a few weeks and need to decide between the two, but am having trouble!

Can anyone tell me what the deployment schedule for p-3's is actually like? I've heard so many different things. And can someone tell me straight up what the perception is of a p-3 fo? Mission commander, hunting subs, and drug recon all sound cool, but how much of a role does the fo actually play? I am interested in the p-3 community, but am slightly turned off because it seems like the command is sending the guys who can't cut jets to p-3's, which makes me wonder if it isn't just a joke position.

On the other hand, I hear prowlers deploy alot. I would personally love to deploy, but I'm married and she obviously doesn't want me gone for 8 months at a time. I love the prowler mission but I feel like it would be selfish of me to take prowlers when p-3's would be so much easier on my family. Or am I incorrect in asserting that p-3's are much better for guys with families?

I welcome any advice you guys can offer!



War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I'm sure the VP guys will jump in here, but I'll get started. To begin with even if all the guys going to P-3s were the ones that couldn't hack jets that doesn't make them very capable airmen in their own right. Maybe a guy doesn't perform at his potential when he in upside down puking out his guts. Or maybe his brain just doesn't process info at nearlly 1000 knot closure speeds. But the truth is that some guys request P-3s for some of the reasons you are thinking about. Do not worry about the quality of your future shipmates and do not worry about any stigma. VP guys are universally despised by all other right thinking airmen for the per deim, deployment quality, and cushy mission anyway!!! Not the quality of their airmanship. Both VP and VAQ are very fine NFO missions. NFOs in EA6Bs and P-3s really do run the show and the pilots and NFOs respect each other for the necessary qualities they bring to the mission. Sorry I can't help you anymore with your decision. I prefer tailhooks. But I wasn't married until after I had completed most my deploying. Congrats on primary, Good Luck


Hummer NFO
Hey, I am about to graduate intermediate and I can tell you that I was exactly where you were about 4 months ago. Although I am not married, I can tell you it was still a tough decision and that I still think that maybe I should have gone to San Antonio. I can tell you what an instructor told me. Go where you will be the happiest. If that means you will go pointy nose, then do that. What's the point of being home all the time if you come home angry that you didn't go jets. Vice versa for P-3's. If you are deployed all the time and will miss your family, don't go jets. Both missions are awesome. Both the prowler and p-3 missions are FO oriented so you will get job satisfaction no matter what you do. Personally, I chose to stay in Pensacola. Good or bad, that's the way I decided to go. I still think that maybe I should have gone to San Antonio but at the time, I figured, well, what did I come here to do? I came here to blow things up... I also had airsickness to think about...But here I am. Just sit down with your wife and talk all of it out. Also, take your family to the platform discussion. They have them in either the duckpond or the wildcat den about once every couple of months. Sit down with families that are living the life to decide whether it's one that you and your family can lead. If you have any questions beyond that, PM me. Good luck and congrats. You're almost through the pain. Keep it up.
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