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I know this is a bit much for a first post, but I'm lost and hoping I can get some help. First off all I want to do is serve my country in any way possible. Last March I decided I wanted to fly in the Marine Corps. I was finishing up my Senior year of college and was planning on going to OCS over summer. I needed a 74 on my ASVAB but unfortunatly only scored a 73. It has to be 30 days between time from retaking the test and the 30 days would come up after my ship date for OCS. My only chances then was to wait until I graduated in December. At the time OCS was really full and it was going to be really hard to get boarded. I had finished up my Asvab scored only an 80 and my PFT score was low for the Marines at only a 245. I went to MEPS everything went fine or so I thought. Well over summer I had a change of heart and really wanted to be a helicopter pilot. So I decided the Army would fit my needs best and I happened to have a friend that was a recruiter. Well that was a wash because he told me I was disqualified during my physical due to a surgery I had. I had broken my arm two years ago and now have a plate and screws. The surgery went fine and I have no limitations and full mobility in my arm. The Marine OSO said I had nothing to worry about so I didn't worry. Well this recruiter buddy really had no answer for me so I chose another one during my last semester at school. I thought he was doing me a favor little did I know what was about to happen. When they tried to spiff my records from the Meps station to another they were lost in the transaction. So I had to go back to Meps and redo the physical. They told me they knew I'd be disqualified, but that was ok because they'd put in for a Ortho consult and get it all taken care of. Apparantly the correct process was to do the Ortho consult first then take those results and go to Meps to redo the physical. That's not how it happened and Meps reccommended me for a waiver but the Army surgeon general disqualified me permanently. Apparently I have a 3 in my pullies don't really know what that means, but all I want to do is serve. My only option is write my congressman which I have done, and I'm still waiting to hear back. I guess my question is can I be disqualified from the Army Surgeon General and still have a chance in the Navy? Or am I permanently done from serving in any branch? I know this was a terrible rant going in many directions I've just been really upset about this whole ordeal and it hurt to hear today that due to the mistake of one recruiter you have now lost your only chance to serve. If anyone has anything to offer I appreciate it. Thank you and God Bless.

P3 F0

Well-Known Member
I'm confused. How is it the fault (solely) of the recruiter? You're the one who was wishy-washy, despite wanting to serve "in any way possible." (which I don't believe for a second--you wanted to serve on your terms, and only your terms.) I'm also confused as to why you haven't spoken to the Marines again, and why you're now talking Navy. Lastly, I'm confused as to why you don't understand how to properly use paragraphs.

I can tell you the physical entry standards for each service differ, but that doesn't answer your question as to whether the Navy will let you in. I'm guessing you'll have to go through the physical to find out, unless you can get a Navy doc to look at your Army disqualifying problem to tell you whether it's immediately disqualifying for the Navy. In the meantime, I would be actively engaged in hunting down my medical record.


If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid.
It sounds like the Army or the Navy is the best fit for you. I would continue to pursue those possibilities. Good Luck.


I'm confused. How is it the fault (solely) of the recruiter? You're the one who was wishy-washy, despite wanting to serve "in any way possible." (which I don't believe for a second--you wanted to serve on your terms, and only your terms.) I'm also confused as to why you haven't spoken to the Marines again, and why you're now talking Navy. Lastly, I'm confused as to why you don't understand how to properly use paragraphs.


The recruiter was supposed to send me for an ortho consult first then use those results and go to MEPS and those papers would be turned in with my physical to the Army SG. He did not go that route and instead went Meps first thinking he could do the ortho consult after, well after you get DQ'ed thats it. It's basically written in stone. I called up a local marine oso close to where I live now and the recruiter there said being NPQ'ed closes the door with them. Other's have said try the Navy and see what they say considering they have serperate medical limitations.


There are a lot of helicopter in the Marine Corps...

I'm with P3 on the confused bit.

I wanted to solely fly helicopters in the Marines there is no garuntee you will get FW or RW. The Army is pretty much a garuntee on the RW.

P3 F0

Well-Known Member
You do realize they have FW in the Army, right? And are you still convinced you had no fault in this fiasco?


Well-Known Member
I wanted to solely fly helicopters in the Marines there is no garuntee you will get FW or RW. The Army is pretty much a garuntee on the RW.

If you want helo's in the Marine Corps, you are pretty much guarenteed to get them. I've never seen anyone who put helo's first go to jets, hercs or ospreys instead.


Cereal Killer
I wanted to solely fly helicopters in the Marines there is no garuntee you will get FW or RW. The Army is pretty much a garuntee on the RW.

So instead of "First off all I want to do is serve my country in any way possible." You wanted to write your own ticket. Then you get wishy washy with a couple of different recruiting/Officer Selection Offices. Then you get angry when "someone else" screws up your slot. Right. If I was an OSO I wouldn't want to talk to you. Grow some balls and show some commitment to one avenue and maybe, just maybe, you will find an OSO or a Recruiter who will think you are worth their time.


You do realize they have FW in the Army, right? And are you still convinced you had no fault in this fiasco?

They have FW in the Army the chances of getting it are slim to none. I'm convinced I have no fault due to trusting my recruiter to do his job to the upmost ability. How can it be my fault that I believed the man's word? It was his idea to do the Meps physical followed by the Ortho Consult. If I would have known that this was the incorrect manner I wouldn't have gone through with it. So since you want to bust balls please explain exactly how this is my fault.


So instead of "First off all I want to do is serve my country in any way possible." You wanted to write your own ticket. Then you get wishy washy with a couple of different recruiting/Officer Selection Offices. Then you get angry when "someone else" screws up your slot. Right. If I was an OSO I wouldn't want to talk to you. Grow some balls and show some commitment to one avenue and maybe, just maybe, you will find an OSO or a Recruiter who will think you are worth their time.

No First off all I want to do is serve my country ie. I will take an enlistment into any MOS into any branch, but what I believe is happening is a permanent DQ from any service. Nobody screwed up any slot since I didn't even get to that point. I'm in the beginning stages trying to get past medical issues so that I can get a slot in any job. I have a college degree and would like to be an officer. At this point if the only option I could take would be to enlist I would even do that! Thats how much I wan't to serve. Your right I was wishy washy with one recruiter telling me the only way I'm going to get in is to have a major surgery to remove a fixture in my arm. Especially when I had countless other recruiters tell me there is no need for that.


Out to Pasture
No First off all I want to do is serve my country ie. I will take an enlistment into any MOS into any branch, but what I believe is happening is a permanent DQ from any service. Nobody screwed up any slot since I didn't even get to that point. I'm in the beginning stages trying to get past medical issues so that I can get a slot in any job. I have a college degree and would like to be an officer. At this point if the only option I could take would be to enlist I would even do that! Thats how much I wan't to serve. Your right I was wishy washy with one recruiter telling me the only way I'm going to get in is to have a major surgery to remove a fixture in my arm. Especially when I had countless other recruiters tell me there is no need for that.

Is English your first language? Either way, you need to work on your communication skills. Your posts are a pain to read and follow and they carry a tone that makes us not want to help you. For starters, learn how to be clear, concise and humble. Reread the definitions of perserverance. One of them says "being able to bear difficulties calmly and without complaint." We will be the first to tell you if you have gotten a raw deal.

Your move Nancy.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the process changed since i went through it but I was under the impression that MEPS came first no matter what. If you get DQ'd for something it was then that you had a console for whatever it is you needed and then proved to the docs that you are good to go. I got DQ'd at MEPS for a shoulder surgery. My recruiter told me that would happen so I expected it. Although I turned down twice for a BUMED waiver, the third go was a success. Somebody please correct me if things have changed.

In the meantime bud, it seems like you need to spend a little less time complaining, and a little more time taking care of things you can control, like your PFT for instance.


I've been fighting this for almost a year and a hald I'm trying to perservere as much as I can, but there is only so much more I can take. It looks as if no one has anything to help I asked my original question and nobody has any response besides.... you cannot write, you whine, blame others, you don't want to serve etc etc. I mean come on if nobody has an answer why make a comment?
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